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HomeTop StoriesMeeting between PSOE and Junts in Switzerland to try to reorient relations...

Meeting between PSOE and Junts in Switzerland to try to reorient relations with the people of Puigdemont

A delegation from the Socialist Party led by its organizing secretary, Santos Cerdán, traveled to Switzerland to meet with Carles Puigdemont, as confirmed by LaSexta.

The PSOE is thus trying to reorient its relations with Junts after the last approach of the independence party by voting against Sumar’s proposal on housing in the Congress of Deputies, despite having announced his abstention.

This is what ‘’ said, explaining that they celebrated the monthly meeting which had been pending since August and in which the interlocutors tried to reach an agreement so that in the vote next week, the government of Pedro Sánchez approves the path to stability as a first step in the preparation of the General budgets of the state.

Junts has repeatedly warned the PSOE that to guarantee its seven votes in the Chamber, it must first negotiate with its party. This Thursday, after Junts voted against the processing of seasonal rental paymentsPuigdemont warned the PSOE through social networks that They would vote “no” again.

Precisely, the First Vice President of the Government and Minister of Finance, María Jesús Montero, was questioned on Thursday about a possible meeting between the two parties outside of Spain and stressed that they are “building bridges” to address some of the most important issues approved in the coming months, including the PGE for 2025.

Likewise, he denied that relations with Junts were broken despite the fact that the group had annulled several government votes in Congress.




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