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Meloni’s party confirms it will continue to “work alongside Vox” in Europe even if it does not share a group

The head of Brothers of Italy in Europe, Carlo Fidanzaparticipated this Friday in the III meeting of the Madrid Forumcelebrated in Argentina, and ensured that the formation of Giorgia Meloni and the Voice of Saint-Jacques Abascal They will continue to “work together”, even if they no longer share the same group in the European Parliament. While the Italians continue to be supervised by the reformists of the RECVox has joined Patriots for Europe. The harmony between the two parties is nevertheless total.

“First of all, I would like to thank you, Foro Madrid and the Dissent Foundation, for this invitation that I had the honor to accept. I greet Santiago Abascal, a great friend and a great leader of the entire Iberosphere,” Fidanza said.

The MEP recalled that “five years ago I started to collaborate with my colleague and friend Hermann Tertschaccompanying him in the creation of the Eurolat group and I am very happy that even today, when unfortunately Vox and Fratelli D’italia are no longer part of the same parliamentary group in Brussels, “We can continue to work together”recalled the leader of the Italian formation before the European Parliament and Meloni’s trusted man. He evokes the separation of the two groups in Brussels, with the departure of Vox REC to integrate into Patriots for Europe.

“I am happy to be in this place where, with Hermann, where at the last Eurolat assembly, here in Buenos Aires, we witnessed an absurd political gathering of Cristina Kirchner just a few months before the big change. That day, in that scenario, there was propaganda and lies. Today, that building is called Palacio Libertad. And on that stage and in that audience, there are many friends who love freedom,” he assured.

Absacal and Milei

The President of the Argentine Republic, Javier Milei, and the national leader of Vox, Santiago Abascal, met this Thursday at the Palacio Libertad in Buenos Aires, where the III Regional Meeting of the Madrid Forum, an international alliance of conservative parties promoted by the Vox Dissensus Foundation, was held. During the event, Abascal He praised the unifying role that this forum has played, stressing that it has managed to unite a large part of the conservative political parties around the world to fight against the left. “The good ones defend freedom and we are beginning to be united,” said the president of Vox.

Abascal recalled that “the bad guys” had always been united, while the good guys were disorganized and divided before the existence of the Madrid Forum. According to him, these “bad guys” represent socialism and neocommunism in the world.

“Those who take advantage of power, fear and drug money to deprive us of our freedoms were united. Those who raise taxes to massacre their own people were united. Those who confiscate private property in all nations were united. Those who prohibit freedom of thought, political freedom, business freedom and freedom of education for both families and teachers were united. Those who impose globalist agendas such as the woke agenda, the gender agenda, the 2030 agenda or the historical memory that the ultra-left seeks to impose, or those who want to impose new religions such as the climate dictatorship, all were united. And before them, there was no organization, no structure, no will to cooperate,” Abascal said.

Faced with these left-wing policies, Abascal stressed that they are there, the parties that are part of the Madrid Forum. “Those of us who defend freedom at all levels, the right to life of children in the mother’s womb, private property, true democracy, the rule of law and the separation of powers,” he said.

In his speech at the meeting, Argentine President Javier Milei referred to the creation of the Madrid Forum, stressing that the fight against the left must never be abandoned, “without quarter and without lukewarmness,” and that is why it has been so important. “The only way forward is with loyalty and organization. That is why we owe you so much and that is why we thank you eternally for your work,” he said, addressing Santiago Abascal.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
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