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Men are responsible for 92% of road safety crimes committed in Castilla y León

HeMen are responsible for 92 percent of crimes against road safety who are committed in Castilla y León. Last year, the Civil Guardarrested or investigated 2,117 drivers in the Community, of which only 170, 8 percent, were women. This percentage is lower than the national average of 10.5 percent, given that of the 24,949 crimes, 2,619 were committed by women.

These figures are in consistent with the mortality rate in road accidents, which is three times higher among men than among women. Not only do men have more accidents, but they are also the most serious. The number of deaths per occupant it’s double in accidents involving male drivers compared to female drivers. According to the General Directorate of Traffic (DGT), of the 1,145 people who died on the roads during the year 2023, men represented no less than 79 percent of deathsor 905 individuals.

Furthermore, according to data from the Ministry of the Interior to which Ical had access, the percentage of men who commit traffic offenses compared to women has increased. gradually growing over the past four years, given that in 2020 it was one point less.

The total number of arrests on the roads of Castilla y León remains stable and has already exceeded pre-pandemic levels. If in 2019 there were 2,072 drivers surveyed in the Community, last year they increased to 2,117, compared to 2,183 in 2022. With the exception of the year of Covid, where this figure fell to 1,535, during over the last decade, a certain stability has been observed. maintained, given that in 2014, 2,123 were recorded

THE Positive tests for alcohol and drugs continue to be the leading cause of crimes and last year they represented 43.6 percent of the total (924), compared to 962 in 2022. The second, as in recent years, was that of driving without a valid license, either for not having obtained it, or for having exhausted all the points on the license. In this case, 812 charges were recorded, which represents 38.1 percent. For his part, the Speeding accounts for only 1.3 percent cases of arrest. Last year, there were 28, compared to 39 a year before.

By province, León took the lead again with 413 investigations10.8 percent less in 2022, ahead of Valladolid, with 309 (-9.6 percent), and Burgos, which has accumulated 276 (+1.8 percent). The 24.6 percent increase is striking registered on the roads of the province of Segoviawhich totaled 233 crimes. At the opposite extreme is Palencia, with 149 (-16.7 percent), ahead of Soria with 153 (+9.2 percent) and Ávila, with 179 (-8.2 percent). In the province of Salamanca, 189 were recorded (-8.7 percent) and in Zamora, 216 (+8.5 percent).


On the other hand, and with the exception of complaints handled by radars, which represent more than half, last year Civil Guard agents handled 263,468 complaints on community roads, 0.22 percent more than in 2022 and 14.6 percent more than in 2019.

By province, Burgos led with 54,568 (-12.4 percent), ahead of Valladolid, where 39,865 were recorded (7.53 percent) and Salamanca, with 33,667 (+0.1 percent). At the opposite extreme is Zamora with 15,683 (-3.6%); Palencia, with 18,460 (+6.9 percent) and Ávila with 21,960 (+8.1 percent). In León, agents filed 32,540 complaints (+7 percent), in Segovia 24,373 and in Soria 22,343 (+3.5 percent).


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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