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men raped by men

Said Isabel Diaz Ayuso which will create the first specialized care center in Spain for male victims of sexual violence.

At first glance, this may seem like a provocation. Fuel for the cultural battle. Was he referring to men raped by women? Can a woman rape a man if she doesn’t have an erection? Would I have enough physical strength to pin him down anyway? Does it make biological or cultural sense for a woman to want to rape a man, when they are the ones who can choose?

But no. It wasn’t about that.

The President of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, during the first session of the debate on the state of the region.

Jesus Hellin


Ayuso was referring to “male minors who suffered sexual assault as children, so they have consequences” and “other adult men who suffered rape in an environment known as chemsex“.

That’s something else. 700,000 euros a year. Good.

Furthermore, the proposal does not fall within the framework of confrontation with women victims of rape. nor is he called upon to compete with thembecause the Community will also strengthen support for those who wish to leave prostitution and will create a new 24-hour crisis center for those who have suffered sexual assault.

I find it interesting that sexual violence against men is being brought to the table. I find it interesting, above all, Those who want to make this a war of the sexes should give up now..

I remember a controversial interview I did years ago with the comedian Jorge Cremades in which, in order to attack “feminism,” he claimed that “there are more rapes of men than rapes of women.” Like? “Yes. In prisons,” he said. “But they are raped by other men, aren’t they?” That apparently got him thinking. Or maybe not.

The essence of male rape is precisely this: it is perpetrated by other men. Man has the legacy of sexual violence. Man is a wolf to man and doubly a wolf to woman.

But why is there little talk about male victims? The issue of homosexual male prostitutes is not addressed either. It is another scourge, but it comes from the same root.

Feminists defend things that, until very recently, the majority of society refused to accept. As if there were rapes within the couple. As all the sexual relations that the shameless have with prostitutes (slaves or not) are rapes, because the prior and paid consent is vitiated (it is very clear: marriages are void when it comes to money) and because there is no desire. As a woman can be raped during an orgy, and a homosexual too.

We are not puritans. We know that a person’s sexual habits, whether they are more libertine or not, do not protect them from aggression..

This is why we must take this issue as seriously as it deserves. Bob Pop He told on television how, when he was young, he was raped at knifepoint in Retiro. It was one of the most difficult moments of his life. If the proposal to protect victims like him comes from a right-wing policy, why is it running out of steam? It is incomprehensible and it is dirty.

Some of my gay friends have theorized today, after this news, about why it seems that a man sexually assaulted by another man suffers less than a woman raped by a man. It’s interesting, even if it’s a gross generalization.

I think it may have to do with the physical supremacy of men. Between them, it is more balanced than when a girl is attacked. Maybe between them they have more possibilities of defense.

If a woman is afraid of being complimented on the street, it is not only because of this inappropriate compliment. It is because of the narrative of male violence, it is because we do not know if this angry comment will inaugurate a persecution that will end in a rape on the gate.

There is something else. Our education. The familiarity of the man (heterosexual or not) with sex. It’s a space that is generally less conflictual for them, more relaxed. If a homosexual touches another’s buttocks in a nightclub, the perception of aggression is not the same as if a man did the same thing with a woman. And that’s because we don’t know how long this intrusion can last.

Among them, in some cases, it is taken as a joke.

It’s not that they are stronger, it’s that they have been socialized with an idea that protects them from these events. Your honor is not between your legs or in your erogenous zones.

Yet we are told that the honor of women (and that of our entire family, joy!) lies in our vagina and in the use we make of it. There is a bestial psychic pain associated with this idea. Every uncomfortable experience almost resulted in the burning of holy ground.

Men, moreover, have been rewarded for not complaining. They have been humiliated for suffering, for crying, for detecting trauma and talking about it. It is terrifying and I understand that it prevents these cases of aggression from ending in complaints.

However, things are changing. We are getting rid of old established sexist ideas, and among them, I hope this one will fall. A homosexual man who is raped deserves the same credit as a woman. This deserves special attention. You deserve to feel safe and supported by institutions. You deserve to be encouraged to report. You deserve legal and psychological protection. You deserve to feel as good or as bad as you want.

In the end, it’s business as usual. Not all men are rapists, but rapists are all men.




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