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HomeLatest NewsMercadona warns about the cash payment limit in its supermarkets and the...

Mercadona warns about the cash payment limit in its supermarkets and the maximum number of coins it accepts

Mercadona has clarified some of the most frequent doubts of its customers regarding the payment methods accepted by the supermarket chain. The Valencian company has answered consumers, through its customer service channel, to questions related to the payment of purchases in cash or by credit card.

Mercadona explains that the cash payment ceiling to pay in the chain’s stores “cannot exceed 999.99 euros by law.” For this reason, he suggests to his “bosses,” as the company calls its customers, that “if the purchase amount is higher, up to that amount can be paid in cash and the rest by card.”

Mercadona emphasizes in this sense that “we accept any bank card bearing the symbol of Visa, MasterCard either Teacher“. On the other hand, he warns that “we do not accept American Express.”

The leading company in the commercial distribution sector in Spain also specifies in its customer service channel how many currencies can be paid for a purchase. Mercadona accepts up to 50 coins for each payment. The coins, he details, can have the same or different value. In addition, you can pay with commemorative coins as long as they come from the Bank of Spain.

In response to another of the most recurring doubts that his clients send him, Mercadona stresses that “the 500 and 200 euro notes are legal tender and can be used as a means of payment in our stores.”

Regarding the possibility of paying with a torn, damaged or stained invoice, Mercadona responds that it is feasible “as long as its security measures can be verified.”

The supermarket chain chaired by Juan Roig also states that “in our physical stores we accept payments with Apple Pay, Google Pay, Samsung Pay And Wallets from banks, provided that the card registered in the application is accepted at Mercadona (the aforementioned Visa, Maestro or MasterCard). The brand does not accept Paypal nor transfers as a means of payment.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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