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Més management defends Alzamora after selling house to foreigner and building swimming pool

“I make it a rule not to comment on the private lives of people who are involved in politics. It is difficult to extend oneself based on current events, but rest assured. It is with these words and this tone that the spokesman for the independence party responded Month for Mallorca inside Balearic Parliament, Lluis Apesteguiaasked about OKDIARIO on the hypocrisy of his number 2, Jaume Alzamorafor selling his house to a foreign citizen and building a swimming pool in his new house, while The party promulgates the opposite in its electoral program.

Apesteguia declined to participate in the evaluations. “I appreciate the political decisions and My party’s political proposal is very clear. I understand that this bothers real estate companies, but I can explain the political program of Més per Mallorca in terms of limiting the purchase of homes to non-residents. “We will never discriminate based on someone’s nationality, other parties do,” he said when asked about the subject again.

The spokesman for the pro-independence party said that personal life and political activity are distinct. “The limitation proposed by Més per Mallorca concerns non-residents. I don’t know if the person who bought Jaume Alzamora’s house is a resident or not.. I don’t know if there was an inconsistency because I didn’t ask him. I ask one of my colleagues… on the basis of what? This is a matter of your private life. I do not understand the interest that this matter can have. If someone from my party asks me what has been published about one of my relatives [la madre de Apesteguia vendió su casa en Deià a un comprador de nacionalidad sueca] I would have sent him to fry asparagus. This has nothing to do with my political activity. I am afraid that something that has nothing to do with political activity will be published.. I don’t think it has anything to do with the political activity of Més per Mallorca.which is very clear.

Apesteguia left a final note on the swimming pool under construction at number 2 in the municipality of Arta“It’s a private matter,” he stressed.I understand that journalism is in crisisThis is something we should think about. Confusing one thing with another leads us to understand politics from the point of view of the benefit that can be derived from it. Regarding the granting of licenses for swimming pools in Artà, we should address the parties that govern there. Més per Mallorca does not govern in Arta [el PSOE es quien ostenta la alcaldía].

The PSOE, in the same sense

The spokesman for the socialists in the Balearic Parliament spoke on the same subject, Iago Negueruelawho said: “We will not conduct assessments of legal issues, of legal sale, of a person in his private sphere. “We do not enter.”

The socialist was keen to point out that, according to him, What you do in your private sphere stays in your private sphere.: “If there is a contradiction, those who have contradictions with the current legality will have to respond.”

Negueruela also had words for OKDIARIO: “If from the point of view of a media law They seek to attack the political leaders of the left, our response will be not to enter into the game that they intend to play. We will not enter into a strategy of questioning the leaders or the citizens to try to dismantle the discourse of these parties. If you seek to destroy the adversary from this point of view, I neither agree nor understand it. We will not enter into it. no questioning of people who have done much more for our autonomous community and who have carried out advanced policies than those who currently lead them, who says one thing and does exactly the opposite“.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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