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Més per Mallorca assures that it will continue to defend that houses are not sold to non-residents

“I don’t know the case at the moment. Obviously, when we have verified the information, we will talk about it. But since Month for Mallorca “We will continue to defend the non-sale of housing to non-residents.” This is how the deputy spokesman of the pro-independence party spoke. Maria Ramonat the press conference after the Spokespersons Council, asked questions about the news released by OKDIARIO in which it is reported that the spokesman of the separatist party of Council of Mallorca, Jaume Alzamorasold his house Arta to a German citizen.

From More for Majorca, they had been categorical about selling properties to non-residents of the Balearic Islands. At least until now. In November 2022, the Més management asked the European Commission who promoted measures to limit the purchase of homes by non-residents in the Balearic Islands. The petition was signed Lluis Apesteguia, general coordinator of the party and, therefore, direct leader of Jaume Alzamora’s party. However, the sale of Alzamora’s property to a German citizen directly clashes with the principles of the nationalist party.

It is worth remembering that the Alzamora house is a three floorssy of 218 square meters in the urban center of the city of Artà. A four bedrooms, three bathrooms, a storage room and a garden. Artà, in the northwest of the island, is one of the most sought-after municipalities by foreigners, preferably Germans, to acquire a residence. The house has been put up for sale for 650,000 euros.

Més puts pressure on the European Union

In fact, Apesteguia himself held a meeting in Brussels with Santina BertulessiHead of Cabinet of the then European Commissioner for Labour and Social Affairs, to whom she forwarded the proposal which, according to Més, was already being implemented by the Åland Islands either Denmark.

Apesteguia then stated that “houses cannot be used for speculation or leisure” in the face of the housing crisis that the Balearic Islands are suffering. “We want anyone who buys a house in the Balearic Islands to buy it to live in,” he stressed.

On behalf of the PSOE, during a plenary session of Parliament held in May 2022, the former government spokesperson and Minister of Tourism, Iago Negueruela, stated in this regard that “limits must be set on the sale of housing to foreigners to prevent the Balearic Islands from becoming a theme park.

“Some limits must be set on housing at European level,” added the socialist councilor. Negueruela said that “a debate at all levels” was necessary to see how to limit the sale of housing to non-residents.

Reviews by Jaume Alzamora

Despite the fact that Més per Mallorca is currently silent, waiting to obtain “verified information”, as specified by the deputy spokesperson of the pro-independence party. Maria RamonThe criticisms against Alzamora were not long in coming. Since then VOX They have issued a statement in which they call Més’ spokesman in the Consell of Mallorca a “hypocrite” and demand his immediate resignation. For his part, ABINIThe Balearic Association of National and International Real Estate Companies, expressed its “strongest condemnation of the hypocrisy and deception of voters” and denounced that “this flagrant contradiction reveals the double standard of Més per Mallorca”.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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