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HomeEntertainment NewsMeurthe-et-Moselle introduces a youth pension, a first in France

Meurthe-et-Moselle introduces a youth pension, a first in France

The Meurthe-et-Moselle department will experiment with a “youth emancipation income” of 500 euros for people aged 16 to 25 from 1 October, following a deliberation on this matter by elected officials on Wednesday 25 September.

The departmental assembly has given the green light to a three-year trial of this financial aid, which will be accessible to young people with low or no income and who cannot receive other aid, for the first time in France. Its regulation was voted on Wednesday by a majority, without the votes of the Union of the Centre and the Right, which voted against.

“We are addressing those who are outside the system, a part of those who are unfortunately called deserters”Chaynesse Khirouni, president of the PS Departmental Council, said in November that this would initially affect around 300 young people, most of them in need. “family breakdown, homelessness or transition period”.

Read also | Article reserved for our subscribers. Why some young people are missing out on public assistance: “I didn’t know I was eligible for it”

Follow-up to complete financial aid

must be “a lever, a support” for these young people, according to Lionel Adam, departmental advisor in charge of the project. The financial aid, of 500 euros per month paid over two semesters, is accompanied by follow-up, “cornerstone of the system, which gives it its reason for being” for Mr. Adam.

The support will be “progressive” and organized during a first semester for “meeting young people, creating a bond of trust” and think about a project. The next six months will have to see the “concrete mobilization” of the beneficiary.

A statute will be signed between the Department and the young person. The community must “listen and support the steps taken by the young person”when the latter undertakes to “respect the values ​​of the Republic and its symbols”.

In Meurthe and Moselle, “The poverty rate for young people under 30 is over 26% and 14% of young people do not work, study or receive training”explained Lionel Adam.

An initial cost of one million euros

Anne Lassus (Union of Right and Centre) called “be careful not to dry up the fountain” money, “a scarce commodity”when the department’s finances are “at worst”reason why the group voted against.

The experiment should cost one million euros to launch, Khirouni said in November. Nicolas Duvoux, president of the National Council for Policies to Combat Poverty and Social Exclusion, welcomed the participants during the session. “exemplariness” of the Department in particular “in innovation, the management of social policies”.

The Department also launched an experiment with a project “Territory without zero resources” reaching people who do not need to access the aid from which they could benefit, in particular.

Read also | Article reserved for our subscribers. “For young people, work would be nothing more than a piece of the puzzle of their lives”: the great misunderstanding of generations at work

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Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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