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Migratory pressure in Ceuta and the Canary Islands increases without a clear plan from the government

The pressure on the Spanish borders due to the increase in migratory flows continues. Specifically, It is the Canary Islands that have been enduring for monthsthe greatest complication and for which the island authorities demand solutions from the executive of Pedro Sánchez. Also the autonomous city of Ceuta, whose Temporary Stay Center for Immigrants (CETI) absorbs most of the work, where people from Morocco arrive who, according to ABC this week, would have been encouraged by the words of the socialist leader to put their lives at risk and try to reach Europe.

Circular flows to deal with irregular immigration. This is the commitment of the coalition government, which Sánchez explained during his trip to the neighboring continent. On the route that crosses Mauritania, Gambia and Senegal, where Spain seeks to establish a road map With these countries of origin and transit of migratory routes, the president mentioned the need to integrate 250,000 foreigners into the labor market, to meet the costs of the welfare state.

A proposal that was interpreted by the opposition as an appeal to immigrants, but which the Executive defends as an appeal to immigrants.the only possible way for transfers to be carried out securely and outside the human trafficking mafias. “The contribution of migrant workers to our economy is fundamental for social security, pensions… For Spain, migration is wealth, development and prosperity,” said Sánchez upon his arrival in Nouakchott, the Mauritanian capital.

Meanwhile, a few kilometres away, arrivals continued towards the Spanish coast. The Canary Islands have received 500 people daily this week by pirogue and thousands of people tried to swim across to Ceuta, before Morocco decided to militarize its beaches to deal with the escalation of migration.

In the political sphere, the PSOE’s “call effect” has not been the only problem, since Sánchez would also have referred to those who enter the country irregularly, saying that it is “essential” to carry out the expulsions. A few words that raised blisters both in the opposition, accused of being xenophobic for similar approaches, and by the Executive’s own partners such as Sumar or Podemos, with a line contrary to the one that is hard on the migratory phenomenon.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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