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HomeBreaking NewsMild electric shock when touching car? - Expert warning about life-threatening danger

Mild electric shock when touching car? – Expert warning about life-threatening danger

Touching any vehicle can cause a mild electric shock. This usually occurs due to natural causes. But in some cases, electric shocks can have dangerous consequences.

Oku.AzAccording to the Tarantas-news portal, car experts are warning about this.

According to them, the main cause of the problem is usually the accumulation of static electricity in the tank.

“This happens as a result of abrasive particles carried by the wind rubbing against the surface of the car. As a result, a static charge builds up on the glass, which causes an electric shock when touching the car. It can also happen when the driver’s or passengers’ clothing rubs against surfaces inside the vehicle. In such cases, static charge builds up on people.”

Experts say that in rare cases this problem is caused by wear and tear of parts of the electrical wiring.

“These are malfunctioning electrical equipment, weak contacts, an insufficiently compressed negative battery terminal, a short circuit to ground – these are the main causes of this unpleasant phenomenon,” they explained.


Experts stressed that static tension is a real danger, regardless of the cause.

“Static electricity accumulated on a surface or on a person can cause a spark discharge. Its energy can be 2.5 to 7.5 mC. This is sufficient to ignite flammable mixtures.”

According to them, this situation can be dangerous, for example, at gas stations.

Experts have warned that constant electric shocks can cause failures in electrical equipment, as well as muscle microarrays and even pathologies of the cardiovascular system.

How to avoid it?

In order not to feel the strain when getting out of the car, it is necessary to “ground yourself” – touch the roof of the car, a part of the door or another metal part of the body before putting your feet on the road surface. Then you can get out of the vehicle without letting go of your hand.

Other protection methods are also available:

Anti-static strip – This is a popular “tuning” part from the 90s, one side is attached to the car body and the other side touches the ground.

Unload the load with other metal objects: without touching the car body with your hands, place a key or keychain on it.

Install tires with an antistatic strip. These models are produced by many companies.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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