Saturday, September 21, 2024 - 2:07 am
HomeMilitary expert on Egypt's plans: They want to shed Israeli blood

Military expert on Egypt’s plans: They want to shed Israeli blood

In an interview, Lieutenant Colonel Elie Dekel, a former intelligence officer specializing in Egypt, responded to a question about whether Egypt is interested in weakening Hamas terrorists.

This was reported by the Maariv portal.

“In my opinion, Egypt, since 1956, since the Suez crisis, has been extremely interested in constantly shedding Israeli blood,” Dekel said.

He mentioned that after withdrawing from Sinai during the Suez Crisis under significant US pressure, Egypt promised not to harm Israel from the Israel-Egypt border, and it actually kept its promise. According to him, between the Suez War and the Six-Day War there were no attacks on Israel. Instead, as Dekel pointed out, after the Suez War, the Egyptians created the Gaza Fedayeen group.

“They sent an officer with the rank of lieutenant colonel to Gaza, who trained them and financed terrorist acts against Israel. Even then, they were interested in shedding our blood, but not on their border, but through the terrorists in Gaza,” the expert added.

Egypt not only contributed to the creation of the fedayeen, but also had a significant influence on the formation of the Fatah movement. The Egyptians trained Fatah fighters and played a key role in their formation. As a result, the Fatah movement sent its troops to fight against Israel during the Yom Kippur War, operating in Egypt.

The Egyptians find themselves in a difficult situation of duality. On the one hand, they see the Muslim Brotherhood gaining strength in Gaza, which worries them given their negative view of these groups. On the other hand, their desire to harm Israel remains strong.

Earlier, Cursor wrote that for the first time in 11 years, Egyptian President Abdel-Fatah el-Sisi visited Turkey, which became a symbol of the resumption of diplomatic relations between the two states. Cooperation agreements were signed during the visit.


Staven Smith
Staven Smith
I am a professional article writer, I have 7 years of experience writing stories, news, blogs and more.


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