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Minimum services, maximum prices

On this delicious island called Mallorca, I guess the same thing happens in many places in Spain, the service works very poorly or rather, it doesn’t work and is completely below the minimum. The majority of people who dedicate themselves to serving in bars, cafes, restaurants, etc. do not seem sufficiently qualified to exercise this ancient and beautiful profession.

A Spanish film based on the work of the playwright of the same name Alphonse Paso and led by Mariano Ozores, which was titled How is the service going? This suits us perfectly, since most of the time the service is a disaster and You don’t need to protest because It is obvious that in the end you don’t fix anything and all you get is going home even angrier. Blessed phrase: “What cannot be, cannot be and, moreover, is impossible. »

What works perfectly and to the extent that businessmen want it is the prices, yes, the prices, as is. If they take a long time to serve you (most of the time this happens) or when they serve you they do it very poorly (most of the time this also happens) or, perhaps, both the time, the order amount is always exorbitantgiven that It’s the only thing that remains on the rise. If the service is bad, they should have a minimum of shame and charge prices that are much more affordable for the consumer. It is assumed that the service apprentice does not earn the same salary as a master gunsmith by trade, but what really matters for the boss and master of the establishment, once the day is over, is not to maintain a good service at a fair and adequate price. , but rather this the box is as large and abundant as possible And? Let the sun rise in Antequera and set wherever you want.

In Palma, in recent times, countless bars, cafes and casinos have been created; next to each other, with a disastrous tourist offer, without any professionalism and, as I have already said, very expensive for the average citizen who, in the long term, is the one who pays the price. Once it occurred to me ask for explanations for a price that I considered excessive and the responseIn addition to mistreating me, is that they could charge what they wanted and what they really wanted, since the market was completely free. and prices were based on supply and demand. Take it now! Keep an eye on the data: 15 euros for a gin and tonic very normal, in a beach bar Spain Squareserved by a phenomenon who has just arrived on the island and with a total ignorance of his profession, but yes, cooler than an eight and with less shame than a cat in a massacre.

He told me that he was from La Pampa, Argentina, and that I, a true Mallorcan, didn’t know where I was, since the place we were at was Plaza España. What a bird, it just needed to fly to be cooler. He had been in Majorca for two days and, according to him, he knew the island better than me. The poor mindundi, so to speak, did not know that I have been working for 30 years in an establishment in the said square and that I have lived in a neighboring street for more than 40 years. The character was unlucky because he picked the wrong character.

I wanted to call him out for arrogant, fake, stupid, idiotic, ignorant and a host of other adjectives, but I thought about it and went home, rested and the next morning another day at the office and a another butterfly story. From this day on, I decided to see, hear and keep quiet (most servers are completely hostile towards clients), because if you dare to speak and find a luminary of this nature, it’s even worse. When you fight with a fool, you always have a chance of losing, because in the end you don’t know who is the stupider of the two.

Here, dear readers, is what we have in the Islands: minimum services, maximum prices and we will have them until consumers say enough is enough. Stealing openly for many years can lead to crises and later regrets. The only possible solution would be for the prices to drop from the sky and, in addition, for the service to be more professional, more expert, less commercial and closer to the people who come to the establishment, otherwise all this current configuration will go away directly into the gutter. But, masters and employees, don’t worry, it’s not the end of the world. This is what it is!


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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