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HomeBreaking NewsMinistry of Education announced next year's final exam program

Ministry of Education announced next year’s final exam program

The State Examination Center (SEC) has announced the final examination programs for the general secondary (9 years) and full secondary (11 years) educational levels in 2025.

Oku.Az informs that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has published information in this regard.

It was reported that the programs (in Azerbaijani and Russian) can be found at the following links:

1. General secondary educational level programs (9 years) (Azerbaijan section):

2. Programs of general secondary educational level (9 years) (Russian section):

3. Complete secondary educational level programs (11 years) (Azerbaijan section):

4. Complete secondary education programs (11 years) (Russian section):

As previously reported, a new exam model for foreign language subjects (English, German, French, Russian, Arabic and Persian) will be applied in the final exam of the general secondary educational level (9 years). Samples of tasks for the new model were given in the books “Assessment Tasks” (from the English language subject) prepared in accordance with the textbooks of grades 8 and 9 of general education institutions published in 2023-2024.

The final year exam model will be applied in the subjects of language of instruction and mathematics in the final exam of the general secondary educational level (9 years).

The final year exam model (including foreign language subjects) will be applied in the final exam at the full secondary education level (11 years).

In the near future, mock exams will be held on the portal according to the models of final exams for general secondary (9 years) and full secondary (11 years) educational levels (using a new model for foreign students). language subjects for the general secondary educational level (9 years)) and test options will be printed in book form.

In the current academic year, a comparative analysis was carried out of the textbooks used by 9th and 11th grade students of the lower grades and the textbooks currently in force in general education institutions, and the same were included in the programs. topics from both textbooks. .

They will be the programs presented for both levels of education, as well as the selected substandards that can be verified and evaluated for the level of mastery of the subjects in the exams, examples of tasks and evaluation criteria according to the exam model. published in special issues of the magazine “Applicant”.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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