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HomeLatest NewsMiriam Martínez, Edurne Pasabán and María Galán are contagious with their stories...

Miriam Martínez, Edurne Pasabán and María Galán are contagious with their stories of improvement and dedication

This 16th edition of the youth congress that the LQDVI Foundation celebrated in the capital of Biscay will take place this Wednesday, September 25 at the Euskalduna Palace and more than 2,000 people are already gathered around testimonies on values ​​such as the desire to livethe desire to improve, strength, perseverance, dedication, commitment or solidarity. After going through Seville, Leon, La Coruña, Palma de Mallorca and Santiago de Chile During the first half of the year, The LQDVI Foundation resumes its intense programming of events after the summer with this visit to Bilbaowhich will be followed by the youth congresses of Toluca (Mexico), Barcelona, ​​Valencia and Madrid.

To date, a total of more than 200 conferences have been held in 8 countries around the world. Latin America, Europe and Asiawhich brought together more than 300,000 young people and recorded more than half a million streaming views and more than two million online reproductions.

For the occasion, this congress will once again become the meeting point where live a transformative experience which encourages them to discover their potential, pursue their goals and contribute positively to their environment.

On the occasion of this 16th edition of the youth congress organized in the capital of Biscay, always with the participation of Spanish Association Against Cancer as Health Partner of the LQDVI Foundation, who have come together to take on the challenge of achieving the goal of being the first generation of young people without tobacco by 2030, the LQDVI Foundation has prepared a comprehensive program of activities through which it wishes to transmit values ​​to the more than 2,000 students educational centres and youth associations which participate in Euskalduna Palace listen attentively to the life stories and let yourself be overwhelmed by the desire for improvement, dedication and solidarity of the three protagonists of this meeting.

Open the congress Miriam Martinezwho was diagnosed in 2018 with a neurodegenerative disease that has since put a whole series of limitations in his path that He was able to get through it thanks to his winning mentality, his strength and his love of sport. Recently retired from professional athletics, she was a silver medalist at the Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games and the 2021 European champion in the shot put.

Next to speak is Edurne Pasaban, a renowned Spanish mountaineer, who will tell how her ascent to mount everest In 2001, it was the beginning of a personal challenge that would culminate in 2010 with the first woman in history to conquer the summit of the 14 mountains on the planet above 8,000 meters. Being able to reach the highest levels as an athlete, however, did not prevent her from being affected in her personal life by mental health problems that managed to plunge her into a deep depression.

Finally, Maria Galantells how, at the age of 23, he decided to leave Spain to settle in a deprived town in Uganda and fight for the child population of the region. There, with her mother and a friend, she created Babies Uganda, an NGO that puts all its efforts and enthusiasm into generating opportunities, present and future, for a population without resources, focusing on Ugandan children in critical situations to improve their living conditions.

For its part, the SGAE Fundazioa Foundation, collaborating entity of this edition of the youth congress in the capital of Biscay, will take the opportunity to present to the public the activities that will be carried out throughout the year. 24/25 course of your Barraca XXI social schoolby Angolan-born rapper and activist Betto Snay, project coordinator in Bilbao.

The LQDVI Foundation’s youth conferences are meetings designed as a transformative experience that helps young participants discover their potential through testimonies and life stories about self-improvement, entrepreneurship and courage. “For us, it is always a pride to offer these spaces of inspiration and motivation, with the conviction that every young person has the power to make a difference in the world,” says María Franco, Executive Director of the LQDVI Foundation.

After ending 2023 by taking a new step forward by successfully achieving its goal of bringing together more than 6,000 young people at the Palacio Vistalegre with its Youth Congress in Madrid, after passing through Seville, León, A Coruña during the first half of this year and Palma de Mallorca and the celebration in May of the second international edition in Santiago de Chile, the LQDVI Foundation resumes its intense programming of events after the summer with this visit to Bilbao, which will be followed by the youth congresses in Toluca (Mexico – October 9), Barcelona (October 24), Valencia (November 12) and Madrid (November 27).

To date, more than 200 conferences have been held in 8 countries in Latin America, Europe and Asia, attended by more than 300,000 young people and recorded more than half a million views via streaming and over two million views online.

Anyone wishing to attend this new congress aimed at young people can register completely free of charge via the LQDVI Foundation mobile application:


If you can’t attend the meeting, you can watch it in its entirety online from September 26 to October 3 on the LQDVI Foundation website.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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