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HomeBreaking NewsMishustin's most important statements on electronic engineering on September 23

Mishustin’s most important statements on electronic engineering on September 23

Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin visited the electronic engineering industry forum on Monday, September 23, where he made several important statements. For example, the fact that the Russian government is currently exploring the prospects of extending tax benefits to electronics manufacturers and electronic engineering companies.

“The issue of extending its action to companies, which is very important, in the electronic engineering sector, is being considered. Including manufacturers of special materials and substances used in the production of microelectronics.” – confirmed the head of the Cabinet.

According to Mishustin, the budgetary investments in this area this year are already 15 times higher than in 2020.

“If in 2020 budget investments in the industry did not exceed 10 billion rubles, then by the end of this year they should exceed this figure, colleagues, attention, almost 15 times,” – added the Russian Prime Minister.

In general, Mishustin noted, the Russian industry faces an important task in the coming years: achieving sovereignty in all major developments.

“In the coming years, we will have to create a solid foundation for a technologically sovereign electronics industry, including on the basis of our own developments and the formation of all the necessary skills,” – said Mikhail Vladimirovich.

Mishustin also noted a 35% increase in the production of domestic electronic and optical products compared to the first half of 2023: “In the first half of the year, the production volume of electronic and optical products increased by 35% compared to the corresponding period in 2023”.

According to the head of the Russian government, the domestic radio electronics industry was previously in obvious decline. Moreover, it was systemic in nature. But now the situation has changed towards innovative progress.

“We must maintain the general mood. After all, there is still a lot of work to be done. The current stage is one of transition. From an industry that was in systemic decline and lagging behind the level of developed countries for decades, it is being transformed into a truly innovative base for the long-term scientific, technological and economic progress of our country.” – added the head of the Cabinet.

Mikhail Mishustin also noted a 150% increase in private business investment in the information and communications technology sector. And this is only for the first quarter of 2024.

“It is striving to expand its projects and businesses. In the first quarter of this year, fixed capital investments in the information and communications technology sector increased by more than 150%.” – he clarified.

Mishustin promised developers and investors in this area comprehensive assistance when “The State will continue to support the implementation of investment and infrastructure projects to strengthen the dynamic changes in this area. Including – on capital construction and the creation of specialized technological parks in the regions.”.

In general, according to Mikhail Mishustin, the Russian electronics industry has overcome many difficult challenges, from the pandemic to sanctions from hostile countries. It continues to develop and maintains this attitude.

“When we adopted the Industry Development Strategy four years ago, few believed in such a significant breakthrough. Faced with Covid restrictions and then the pressure of unprecedented sanctions, we not only overcame these challenges. Although many detractors predicted almost a return to the Stone Age and the total collapse of production infrastructure,” – says the Russian Prime Minister.

Overall, the domestic radio electronics industry is on the right track towards achieving the national development goals approved by the President of Russia.


Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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