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HomeEntertainment NewsMoDem shows cautious optimism regarding Michel Barnier

MoDem shows cautious optimism regarding Michel Barnier

Within the ranks of the Democratic Movement (MoDem), the roles are carefully defined. It is up to François Bayrou to demonstrate his confidence in Michel Barnier. It is up to his deputies and ministers to maintain an appearance of putting pressure on the new head of government. The day after the latter’s visit on Wednesday 11 September to the party’s parliamentary sessions in Cély-en-Bière (Seine-et-Marne), the president of the MoDem spoke during a brief press conference to express all the good things he thought of the new tenant of Matignon. “This gives the impression that we will be able to work together and that the climate will be healthy and respectful.” said the high commissioner for planning, who claimed to have had “certainties” after his exchange with the Prime Minister.

And not least, since the two men would have “found paths” on the thorny issue of public finances. “Including new contributions”The mayor of Pau insisted, while his party has been advocating, since the beginning of its partnership with Emmanuel Macron, the introduction of a tax on financial transactions and super dividends.

Mr. Bayrou also stated that[ils] would be able to work on the country’s social problems” or even on the subject of “local democracy”. “This still means that the doors are much more open than before. And it is happy”He summed up, implicitly regretting that these same doors remained closed under Barnier’s predecessors, even though they came from the outgoing majority to which the MoDem belonged.

Ministerial Morocco

But one question is tormenting the Béarnais troops: how can they commit to participating in Barnier’s government without knowing its programme? “We will not go under any conditions” says the deputy for Nièvre, Perrine Goulet, for whom “conduct right-wing politics” would be a “red line”. Behind these demands lies the delicate question of ministerial positions. For the MoDem parliamentarians, there is no doubt that the Republicans (LR) will monopolise the sovereign portfolios.

“The Republicans do not have an absolute majority, they have 46 seats [47 en réalité]“No one would imagine that they alone would take over important positions. This is not the logic of things.” warned Marc Fesneau, president of the MoDem group in the National Assembly, denouncing a “a right that sometimes, for some of them, expresses a feeling of domination.”

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Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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