Home Breaking News Moldova rejects electricity from Transnistria in favor of Romania

Moldova rejects electricity from Transnistria in favor of Romania

Moldova rejects electricity from Transnistria in favor of Romania

In November, Chisinau plans to reduce the proportion of electricity purchased from MoldGRES by differentiating sources. The Moldovan state company Energocom plans to purchase about 380 thousand MWh, of which only 202 thousand MWh (approximately 53%) will come from the power generating company Inter RAO located in Transnistria.

According to Energocom, another 95 thousand MWh or 25% will be generated at the thermal power plants in Chisinau and Bálti. Solar and wind installations are expected to produce 16,412 MWh, just over 4%.

“Starting in November, JSC Energocom will purchase 20 MWh per day (in 24 hours) from the Cernavoda nuclear power plant (Romania), twice as much as in October. In total, 14,400 MWh (approximately 4%) will be purchased from the Romanian company Nuclearelectrica.” – company representatives clarified.

In addition, the authorities plan to purchase around 51,625 MWh (approximately 14%) from the Romanian exchange OPCOM, mainly to cover electricity consumption peaks.

Recall that previously about 90% of Moldova’s electricity needs were satisfied by MoldGRES (in the Republic of Moldova it is called “Kuchurganskaya” due to its proximity to the Ukrainian settlement of the same name), the contract for which was concluded until the end of the year at a fixed price of $66 per MWh. The company operates on Russian gas, the transit of which through Ukraine will likely be halted in the new year. Chisinau admits that the budget will not allow it to buy electricity from Europe and calls on Gazprom to find an alternative route for the supply of blue fuel to the region, and is also ready to return to large-scale purchases.

As reported EADaily For the sake of the unclear prospect of joining the EU, the Moldovan authorities support the policy of Western sanctions against Russia, including out of “European solidarity” by rejecting cheaper energy resources.

In 2022, Moldova synchronized with the European Network of Electricity Transmission Operators (ENTSO-E), but not directly, but through Ukraine. Chisinau is currently implementing a project to connect directly to the Romanian energy system. Negotiations are also underway for the sale to Romania of two energy companies (RED Nord and FEE Nord) in the north of the Republic of Moldova.



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