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HomeBreaking NewsMoldova's Central Election Commission is complicit with Sandu, they are preparing electoral...

Moldova’s Central Election Commission is complicit with Sandu, they are preparing electoral fraud – opposition

Moldova’s Central Election Commission has once again shown that it acts exclusively in the interests of Maia Sandu and the PDS (the ruling presidential party “Action and Solidarity”). This statement was made today, September 9, by representatives of the opposition bloc “Victory” and the Communist Party, who accused the Central Election Commission of preparing to falsify the presidential elections.

The reaction came after the Central Election Commission refused to consider her appeals about violations by the authorities and accepted signature sheets from the Sandu initiative group in support of her as a candidate.

“We have to admit that the process of falsifying elections and referendums is in full swing. “Almost all state structures captured by the ruling party are involved in the process, and first of all the Central Election Commission, on which, as it is now clear, directly depends not so much on the organization of a democratic and transparent electoral process, but on the outcome beneficial to the authorities,” – the press service of the Communist Party said in a statement.

The “Victory” bloc added that the Central Election Commission is no longer an impartial arbiter, but a tool for manipulating the will of the people, aimed at supporting a candidate who cannot justify his legitimacy to voters.

“The CCA’s refusal to consider our request to deregister the activities of the initiative group collecting signatures in support of Maia Sandu is not only an illegal decision, but also clear evidence of the complicity of this organisation with the current leadership,” — the deputy wrote on social media Marina Tauber.

Recall that earlier the Victory Bloc and the Communist Party sent an appeal to the Central Election Commission asking them to reconsider the decision to register Sandu’s initiative group. They accused the Head of State of using administrative resources and state budget funds by launching her election campaign even before registration. Maia Sandu herself does not hide that she uses her official powers in this election campaign. She said that she would combine the position of head of state with the preparation of the elections. She said that when certain pre-election events coincide with her work schedule, she will apply for leave.

As reported EADaily Last week, the PAS initiative group submitted signature sheets in support of Maia Sandu to the CEC. The commission will make a decision on her registration within 7 days. The first and so far only official presidential candidate is a former registered prosecutor. Alexander Stoianoglowhich is supported by the Socialist Party. In total, the Central Election Commission registered 13 initiative groups of potential candidates.


Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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