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HomeBreaking NewsMoncloa decides to govern based on ministerial decrees and ordinances to avoid...

Moncloa decides to govern based on ministerial decrees and ordinances to avoid defeats in Congress

The phrase continues to resonate four days after it was pronounced. That in a parliamentary regime, the President of the Executive declares himself willing to “govern without the assistance of the Legislative Power” deserved a clarification, and there already is one: Pedro Sanchez He will resort to the approval of ministerial decrees and orders to avoid further defeats in Congress.

This is confirmed by sources from Moncloa, who reaffirm that The Government “will exhaust the Legislature” to prevent the work of the Council of Ministers from being subjected to a constant arm wrestling match in negotiations in Parliament.

The statement by a member of the Executive looks more like a declaration of intent than a real possibility. And the fact is that, by decree, ministerial order and agreements in the Council of Ministers, minor initiatives can be carried out, such as the distribution of fundsbut three years without presenting bills to the Chambers would be too long.

A government source admits that, in the current circumstances, the Government would have great difficulty in implementing its tax proposals, since neither Junts nor the PNV agree on the plan of “more taxes on the rich”. The budget project could not, therefore, include the creation of new taxes, as proposed by the first vice-president. Maria Jesus Montero this Tuesday.

By your side, Yolanda Diaz He warned that Sumar would demand much more in this matter than the PSOE seems willing to accept. “We will present our proposal and it will be public,” warned the second vice-president. “This country is lacking a deep reform of the tax systemand we will work on it.”

So any coalition agreement along these lines would have to include a very left-wing gamble… which would come up against a No of two peripheral right-wing parties that have already demonstrated in recent months little legislative loyalty to the government in which they have invested: PNV and Junts.

The post-convergents have already demonstrated this with the decrees of January and the lowering of the spending ceiling in July. And the PNV, this Wednesday, will do so by supporting in Congress a PP proposal on Venezuela… which will lead it to vote like Vox. And that was, at least until now, reason enough not to betray to President Sanchez.

Save time

Therefore, while Treasury steps on the accelerator with the budget project and proposes to Sumar the beginning of the meetings, in Moncloa they work with the idea that the public accounts must be extended again. At least, for now, to start next year.

“The law requires us to present the deficit path to Congress for the second time,” Montero warned, knowing that the same text has signs of defeat once again. “But if it still doesn’t work, we will make the budgets with the current budget… and they will have to explain why they prefer to lose money.”

They? The PP, of course. But also Junts, if they want the concert they have been demanding for a decade. And if not, continue to govern. Less, but until the end.

The government hopes that after the Congress stage that Sumar, Junts and ERC will face in the coming months, the waters may calm down. Your strategy is a way to save time.

But Junts plans to “relaunch the independence movement” and “rethink” its relations with the government by the end of August. Carles Puigdemont decided to “bare the claws” when Salvador Illa took possession as president of the Generalitat, and he will only maintain his support for Sánchez if he respects the commitments made and accepts new missions.

At the meetings in Switzerland, he plans “Force” the PSOE to “take concrete measures” for “national recognition” of Catalonia. That is to say, the design of the referendum which he had warned since the negotiations in Brussels in November 2023 that he would demand.

For his part, Esquerra lives in uncertainty Who will be the one to guide your steps from November 30? Party sources predict that there are already up to four candidates in progress.

The most advanced, those who represent, in the opposition, the tandem which until now led the republican formation: Oriol Junqueras wants to return, but is confronted with Nova Esquerra Nacional, inspired by Marta Rovira. In addition, there is the Cabbage·lectiu 1 d’Octubre, a belligerent separatist, and another group led by Alfred Boschalso eager to promote secession, which requires a complete renewal of the leadership.

In this ecosystem, Sánchez refuses to submit to unrelated votes before arriving in Congress.




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