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Moncloa is open to recognizing Edmundo as president if the PP applauds “the work of the ZP”

The government does not want to be left behind. And from Moncloa to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, through the socialist parliamentary group in Congress, they are open to supporting “the recognition of Edmundo Gonzalez Urrutia“As the winner of the presidential elections in Venezuela, “this contributes” to a “negotiated political solution” in this Caribbean country. A socialist amendment to the PP’s non-law proposal goes in that direction, yes, adding “recognition of the mediation work of President Zapatero”.

After boasting for a month and a half about having “led” the position of Europe and Western democracies regarding the massive fraud in the presidential elections in Venezuela, The Congress of Deputies and the European Parliament have taken the lead.

This Wednesday in Spain and next week in Strasbourg, both Chambers are considering recognizing González Urrutia as “president-elect” against the dictator, Nicolas Maduro.

The Popular Party’s non-law proposal is being debated this Tuesday in Congress and will be voted on Wednesday. In this time frame, the socialists want to be able to appropriate the text, once they have seen themselves defeated, when the PNV announced its favorable vote to the text presented by the popular.

In the PNL, the PP took advantage of the motivation to indict José Luis Rodriguez Zapateroblaming him for his “silence” as a clear example of the “unacceptable lack of commitment to truth and justice” of the government and the PSOE.

Today, the socialists add an additional section to the PP text, with this expressly positive assessment of Zapatero’s work, although the Venezuelan democratic opposition criticizes it as Maduro’s “hitman”, or even “his real chancellor” that “he comes out to save him whenever he is in trouble.”

Some opponents criticize the Spanish government for granting asylum to the opposition leader without recognizing him as “president-elect.” They believe that Edmundo González’s departure from Venezuela to seek asylum in Spain, “This is bad news for democracy” and the fact “more favor to Chavismo” than to the cause of freedom in Venezuela.

But the government says it could not have made the decision to recognise him as the “winner” of the elections before he arrived in Spain. It would never have been able to grant asylum (and probably save the life) of the former diplomat and now presidential candidate, because The Maduro regime would not have accepted this condition.

As the president wraps up his China tour, offering himself as broker for trade peace with the EU and the signing of agreements to attract investment to Spain, the Council of Ministers was chaired by the First Vice-President, Maria Jesus MonteroThe Minister of Finance also appeared at a press conference, along with the spokesperson, Pilar Alegriaand the second vice-president, Yolanda Diaz.

At the same time, the PNV spokesman in Congress, Aitor Estebanannounced that his party would support the Popular Party’s non-legislative proposal that demands that the government recognize Edmundo Gonzalez as the “president-elect” of Venezuela.

The diplomat, chosen as the united candidate of the democratic opposition in the elections deceivedarrived in Spain last Sunday, thanks to an operation by the Executive of Pedro Sanchez and after having personally requested political asylum in our country.

The government claims it could not recognize him as the winner of the election until he “technically” agreed with the regime. Nicolas Maduro the operation to remove him from Caracas. But he now finds himself in a difficult situation.

Congress will recognize González Urrutia as “president-elect” this Wednesday, and next week the European Parliament will do so. And both Houses will thus leave the Spanish executive aside in a position of “caution” and “pragmatism”.

So far, Jose Manuel AlbaresMinister of Foreign Affairs, claimed the leadership of the Spanish government in the democratic offensive against the massive fraud of Chavism in Venezuela.

Albares, in fact, was the first political leader which demanded the presentation of the minutes, a few hours after the elections were held. He promoted a joint statement with the EU, the United States and 21 countries to warn that “we will not recognize” the democratic legitimacy of Maduro’s triumph, decreed by the Venezuelan National Electoral Commission (CNE) “until the minutes are presented and verified”.

But even the EU’s high representative, the Spaniard Joseph Borrell (also predecessor of Albares en Outsides in the Sánchez governments), expressed his desire for the Union to take the same step. A spokesman for Borrell confirmed this on Tuesday in EL ESPAÑOL, demanding “a common position of the Twenty-Seven”, which should be unanimous, “recognize González Urrutia as the legitimate winner of the elections” in Venezuela.

The presidential elections, held on July 28 in the Caribbean country, were held in a “lack of transparency and democratic integrity,” according to the United Nations group of experts.

To Carter Centerthe only entity accepted by Chavismo as an international observer of the process, concluded that, with 83% of the official records collected by the opposition, the count gave 67% of the votes to the democratic opposition, against 30% for the official candidate for his re-election.




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