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HomeLatest NewsMontero defends before the Andalusian socialists that Catalonia has other financing

Montero defends before the Andalusian socialists that Catalonia has other financing

The Minister of Finance, María Jesús Monterodefended that Catalonia has different financing this Saturday in Seville at the meeting of the Interparliamentary of the PSOE, stressing that we must make compatible “what is common to us with what is particular to each territory”. The first vice-president of the central government stressed that when the socialists arrived in the central government, they found “a disagreement like never before between one part of our country and another”which he accused the independence movement of creating “expectations that it was impossible to meet.”

He also accused the Popular Party of Andalusia of taking advantage of the ERE case to achieve “by undemocratic means what it could not achieve in the elections”, and stressed that after the ruling of the Constitutional Court “they are finally ‘doing justice'”.

Before the general secretary of the Andalusian socialists, Juan Espadas, and before the former president of the Council of Andalusia, Susana Díaz, he defended that The PSOE has always maintained the same position, “whether it benefits it politically or not”and no one “can question the legitimacy of this party to solve a problem that has required all the attention necessary to normalize institutional relations with such an important part of our country.”

He said that “we had people fleeing, a lack of understanding on the part of a large part of Catalan society, but today, democratically, we have in Catalonia a socialist president, who watches over the integrity of our country, the well-being of our country”, who stressed that now “the territorial structure that this party has always defended for Spain is shared”.

Regarding the ERE case, Montero assured that the decision of the TC allowed the release of several socialist leaders from prison, said the truth is known “about a false case set up to overthrow the government”. Thus, he said that it was about “exhausting this party”, and he asked that “the memory, the task of the PSOE of Andalusia that changed forever this autonomous community be justified”, with the work “and the talent of the men and women who make up this territory. “Finally justice has been done”, said the vice-president.

“Comrades vilified”

The convictions and imprisonments according to María Jesús Montero, she assured, were against “vilified comrades”, but the Constitutional Court “clarified how this developed and how they were denied the right to defense”, because “the PP had an interest in obtaining by non-democratic means what they could not obtain in the elections.

“They continue to disrespect the courts now that decisions that do not interest them are not being made,” he noted, adding that “the guarantees of the rights of those convicted in the media” were not respected, and some of them “suffered deprivation of liberty.”

Maria Jesus Montero assured, in reference to the PP, that “the limits of political decency cannot be exceeded”, to criticize “those who want to overthrow governments by undemocratic means.”


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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