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more security and medical examination

The government plans to approve this Tuesday in the Council of Ministers a decree aimed at advancing the labor rights of domestic workers.

The ministry led by Yolanda Díaz, second vice president and minister of labor, has already promised that “within six months we will develop all issues of safety and prevention of occupational risks in our country.”

The government is proposing an online assessment of the risks in homes. Although the measures do not convince everyone, a domestic worker confesses to LaSexta that she considers them necessary. “In the house there are always some type of complications like going up the stairs. I see it well,” he commented.

In addition, the right of domestic workers to benefit from a voluntary and free medical examination by Social Security and to participate in training on occupational risks is introduced. These courses, funded by Social Security, must be provided during working hours and aim to prevent injuries by teaching safe practices, such as adopting correct postures when lifting weights or performing household tasks.

Finally, a action protocol in front of the physical and sexual violenceguaranteeing the protection and clarity of workers’ rights in situations of harassment. This framework ensures that leaving a job due to harassment will not be considered a resignation nor will it allow for dismissal by the employer. The application of this law will be gradual, providing a period of adaptation to the new requirements, in order to equalize the working conditions of domestic workers with those of any other worker in Spain.

This is in line with all the previous changes among those who recognized their right to unemployment, sick leave and retirement, that their layoffs were justified or the increase in the minimum wage like the rest of the workers.




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