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More than 2.6 million households are waiting for social housing, a figure that will increase in 2024

In the first half of 2024, the number of households waiting for social housing will rise to more than 2.6 million, an increase of 100,000 applicants compared to 2023, announced Emmanuelle Cosse, president of the Union Social de la Housse (USH), on Wednesday 11 September.

Specifically, 1.8 million households are waiting for their first social home and 870,000, already housed in the existing housing stock, are waiting for a new Cosse, this demand for social housing “rising everywhere”. “This is the same phenomenon as in previous years in all regions, and it shows how the issue of access to affordable housing remains very important.”he commented during a press conference.

This “deterioration in access to housing” is accompanied by a drop in the number of approvals for new social housing, lamented Mme No, that’s not true. Some 82,000 social housing units were built this year, compared to 120,000 five years ago, he told RTL the day before.

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“The resigning government did not fulfill its commitments”

Former Housing Minister Patrice Vergriete announced in October 2023, at the close of the HLM conference in Nantes, an allocation of 1.2 billion euros over three years, or 400 million euros per year, to renovate the social housing stock.

“The resigning government did not fulfill its commitments (…) This envelope was already frozen without prior debate in July by [le ministre de l’économie démissionnaire,] Bruno Le Maire, for more than half”criticized No way. François Hollande’s former Housing Minister deplored that “the government [n’ait] No “He was able to resist for six months a commitment he had made and included in the finance law, this is absolutely unacceptable.”.

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In the spring, the outgoing government presented a bill on the development of affordable housing supply, which included reforms to the Solidarity and Urban Renewal Act (SRU) and tightening the criteria for occupancy of HLM. The text was to be debated in public session in the Senate from 18 June, but its examination was suspended due to the dissolution of the National Assembly decided by the President of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron.

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Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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