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HomeLatest Newsmore than 4,000 soldiers, 56 planes and 160 vehicles

more than 4,000 soldiers, 56 planes and 160 vehicles

Everything is ready for the traditional parade through the National holiday visit the center of Madrid this Saturday. Only the forecast of rain which is forecast for the capital risks spoiling a military parade in which more than 4,000 members of the Armed Forces and the Civil Guard, 56 planes And 160 vehicles.

The day will begin at 11:00 a.m. with the arrival of Don Felipe And Ms. Letizia at the royal tribune, located in the Plaza de Cánovas del Castillo, although it is expected that hours in advance thousands of citizens will travel the kilometer and a half route decorated for the occasion, of the Paseo del Prado to Paseo de Recoletos. THE Princess Eleonore will be another of the protagonists of the day, recently disembarked from Marín -where she is in the second year of military training- and dressed in the Navy uniform. The parade also brings together all members of the Government, civil and military authorities and regional presidents, including that of Catalonia, Salvador Illawhich will put an end to 14 years of absence of the Generalitat in the events of the October 12.

The tour

Paseo del Prado and Recoletos

The land parade will take place for one and a half kilometers along the Paseo del Prado and Paseo de Recoletos in Madrid, with the Royal Tribune located halfway, in the Plaza de Cánovas del Castillo. The route also crosses the Plaza de Cibeles and ends at the Plaza de Colón.

The flypast will fly over this area from south to north, while the Eagle Patrol will soar above the grandstand from west to east.

Parade sequence

From flag jumping to reception

The events will begin with the incorporation of the Battalion of Honor of the Royal Guard in front of the Royal Tribune and the incorporation of the national flag into the Honors Battalion.

The main authorities will then arrive: the Chief of Defense Staff, the Minister of Defense and the President of the Government. The kings will arrive at Royal Tribune at 11:00 a.m.

After the military honors paid to Their Majesties and the news from the head of the Battalion of the King’s Honors, Don Felipe will review the Battalion of Honors.

The king, reviewing the past 12-O

From there it will start the parade appropriate. It will open with the spectacular parachute jump with the flag of Spain, to which this year the flag is added for the tenth anniversary of the King’s proclamation. Behind him raising the flagone of the most moving moments of the day will take place: the tribute to those who gave their lives for Spain.

Immediately afterwards, the Eagle Patrol It will fly over the heads of Madrilenians, painting the sky with the colors of the flag, and the air and ground parades will begin.

The Eagle Patrol


The parade will close with another flyover of the Eagle Patrol in the colors of the national flag, after which the Kings will greet the military authorities and participants in the military parade, bid them farewell and the flag will be lowered.

The day, like every year, will end at the Royal Palace, where Don Felipe and Doña Letizia will offer a reception has more than 2,000 people accompanied by Princess Leonor for the first time as heir, after taking the oath on the Constitution in Congress.


56 planes and 29 helicopters

56 planes and 29 helicopters are planned to fly, although the Air and Space Force has planned for all possible scenarios of rain and cloudiness that would affect the parade, from canceling the flight of certain models to to total cancellation.

Among the planes Participants include Eurofighter fighters from the 11th, 12th, 14th and 15th Wings; Harrier of the 9th Squadron of the aircraft flotilla and F-18 of the 12th Wing; F-5 and Pilatus for teaching the 23rd Wing and the General Air and Space Academy, respectively; In-flight refueling of the A-400; transport aircraft such as the A-330 (Group 45), the A-400 (31st Wing), the A-310 (Group 45), the Falcon 900 (Group 45), the Cessna Citation (Cartographic Center and Photographic), the CN-235 of the Matacán School Group and C-295 of the 35th Wing; Maritime surveillance and rescue CN-235 from the 48th Wing, and Canadair firefighting from the 43rd Group.

They will also participate helicopters of the 48th Wing and the 49th Wing; Army HE-28 Tiger, HT-29 Cayman, HT-17 Chinook, HU-26 and HE-26; Navy SH-60F Oceanhawk and SH-60B Seahawk; E-25 Aspa Patrol teaching the hummingbird; E-135 of the Civil Guard and the National Police, and AS 365 of the Tax Agency, in addition to the EC-135 of the General Directorate of Traffic.

Added to all this is the Airbus E.25 of the Águila Patrol.

land parade

From skydivers to regulars

The head of the land parade will be in charge of Motorcycle section of the Civil Guard, the general chief of the VI Brigade of Almogávares of Skydivers (Bripac) with its General Staff, the Brotherhood of Veterans of the Armed Forces and Civil Guard, Volunteer Reservists and the Spanish Association of Disabled Soldiers and Civil Guards.

The motorized column will follow, in which assets from Bripac, the Special Operations Command (MOE), the Pontoneros Regiment and Engineer Specialties No. 12 (RPEI 12), the Third Navy, the Support Squadron will participate. to Air Deployment, the Military Emergency Unit (UME), the Civil Guard, the National Police, Civil Protection, Customs Surveillance, the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (Aecid) and the Rescue and Rescue Society of Maritime Safety.

Then the walking parade will take place, composed of members of the Royal guardTHE academies military, the Navyhe AviationTHE EMUTHE Civil Guardthe regiment Immemorial of the king nº1, the Battalion of Sappers VI of the Paratroopers, the RPEI 12), the America Regiment No. 66 of the Mountain Huntersthe Third Don Juan of Austria n°3 of the Legion and the team of Regular from Ceuta 54.

Finally, the mounted units of the Royal Guard, the National Police and the Civil Guard.

In total, there will be 117 vehicles And 49 motorcyclesin addition to 210 horsepower.


Foreign flags and the King’s birthday

On this occasion, the flags of Slovakia, Slovenia, Portugal And Czechiaall member countries, with Spain, of one of the eight combat groups of the multinational brigade of operation “Enhanced Forward Presence” (EFP), responsible for reinforcing NATO’s eastern flank.

Likewise, the flag of the United Nations will participate (UN), escorted by a picket, in honor of Spanish soldiers deployed abroad, notably those in southern Lebanon as part of the United Nations Interim Force for Lebanon (UNIFIL).

On the other hand, the Parachute Acrobatic Patrol of the Air and Space Force (PAPEA) will jump with the flag of the 10th Anniversary of the proclamation of HM the King.

Another novelty is the participation in the motorized parade of two vehicles of the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (Ecide).

The honor of jumping with the Spanish flag and making it reach the parade will be the first corporal Francisco Vico Lópeztrainer of the Air Force Parachute Acrobatic Patrol (Papea). After a life devoted to skydiving and more than 12,000 launches, he will leave active service next year to join the reserves.

THE First Corporal María del Carmen Gómez Hurtadowho last year flew the national flag, will be responsible for carrying a flag with the emblem of the 10th anniversary of the Proclamation of His Majesty the King.

Corporal María del Carmen Gómez Hurtado, in the jump of 2023

He Sergeant Óscar García Garcíawho carried the flag of Spain in 2022, will act as “guide”.

Unit speed

The rhythm of the Legion

One of the aspects that attracts the most attention from spectators each year is the rhythm of the Legion troops. Compared to the 124 steps per minute (99 meters/minute) that foot units typically march at, the Legion will do so with 160 steps per minute (128 meters/minute).

On the contrary, the Regulars will do it with 90 steps per minute (72 meters/minute) and with 124 steps/minute (99 meters/minute).

The horse-drawn unit will parade at 180 meters/minute.

Where to follow him

Broadcast on and RTVE

If you cannot personally attend the National Day military parade in Madrid, you can follow it live on, as well as on television on La 1 and Canal 24 Horas of RTVE from 10:50 a.m.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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