Just over fifty schools, 56, in 41 different municipalities in the region – including the capital – will open their doors next Monday, September 2, so that students can attend and facilitate the balance of work and family life for parents. This is the response that the municipalities of Madrid have given so far to the plan of the Community of Madrid, which has made 12 million euros available to all municipalities to help finance these activities carried out outside of school hours.
This initiative aims to ensure that schools are also open during non-school periods: before the start of the school year, during the Christmas or Easter holidays. And also, before and after the start of the school year.
In total, 41 municipalities responded to the Regional Executive’s call and showed willingness to participate in the plan. According to her, the Community provides this amount of 12 million euros, and the town halls decide which extracurricular activities are taught and in which extracurricular periods they wish to open the doors of the public centers.
For their part, extracurricular activities will be aimed at students who belong to the center itself in general, although children enrolled in one of the same municipality and others may also participate, provided they meet the age requirement set by the organizers and there are free places. Among the activities that will be scheduled are support activities, guided study and reinforcement, languages, sports or artistic initiatives.
East Zone: Ajalvir, Alcalá de Henares, Brea de Tajo, Colmenar de Oreja, Coslada (8), Daganzo, Estremera, Loeches, Nuevo Baztán, Paracuellos del Jarama, Perales de Tajuña, Pozuelo del Rey, Ribatejada, San Fernando de Henares, Santorcaz, Valdeavero, Velilla de San Antonio.
North Zone: Alcobendas, Cabanillas de la Sierra, Cobeña, El Molar, Navalafuente, Soto del Real, Valdemanco, Valdetorres de Jarama, Venturada.
West Zone: El Boalo-Cerceda-Mataelpino (3), Collado Mediano, Collado Villalba, Majadahonda, San Lorenzo de El Escorial, Torrelodones
South Zone: El Álamo, Fuenlabrada (4), Getafe, Humanes de Madrid (4), Móstoles, Parla, San Martín de Valdeiglesias, Titulcia, Villamanta.
A first wave of schools will therefore open from next Monday, and the others will do so later, during the rest of the holiday periods. This will be the first of the new programme of openings during extracurricular periods and outside school hours in the public preschool, primary, secondary and grouped rural centres of Madrid.
More than 40 Madrid municipalities have offered to participate in this program, although the capital is not part of it, nor one of the largest.
In the eastern zone, 24 schools are offered in 17 municipalities, and Alcalá de Henares, or Coslada (with eight centers), stands out. In the northern zone, 9 municipalities have registered with a total of 9 schools. In the western zone, there are six municipalities with a total of eight schools. And in the southern zone, 9 municipalities that offer 15 schools; Among them, there are some in Fuenlabrada (four), Móstoles or Parla.