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More than 63 million for the economic recovery of 206 municipalities of León, Palencia, Valladolid and Zamora

More than 63 million for the economic recovery of 206 municipalities of León, Palencia, Valladolid and Zamora

The Government Council of the Junta de Castilla y León authorized today, upon proposal from the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Employment, the approval of the Territorial Development Program of Tierra de Campos (2024-2031 ), whose main objective is to promote the industrialization of the 206 municipalities of the provinces of León, Palencia, Valladolid and Zamora.

To achieve this industrial and commercial development, a series of measures are envisaged to promote -using the endogenous resources of the territory- the establishment of new businesses and the growth of existing businesses, with particular attention to self-employed workers and SMEs. The planned actions also aim to promote the development of innovative projects and new activities linked to the circular economy and technological development, thus promoting the diversification of the productive fabric and the creation of quality jobs, and with it demographic growth and improving the quality of employment. life of its inhabitants.

The Campos Territorial Land Promotion Program is the first rural industrialization plan that affects such a large number of municipalities belonging to different provinces. In its design In addition to the Junta de Castilla y León, local companies participated of the territory included, the economic and social agents of social dialogue and the entities and associations that operate in the area.

Likewise, in order to promote synergies and achieve greater effectiveness of actions, it is planned to strengthen institutional collaboration and coordination, between Public Administrations that intervene in the territory, Local Action Groups, Organizations Agricultural Professionals, Cooperatives, Social Dialogue Agents, and other public and private entities which carry out their activity in the territory.

The territorial perimeter of the PTF Tierra de Campos includes a total of 206 municipalities belonging to four provinces and counts a validity period of eight years, assuming the commitment that at least 50% of the impulse measures incorporated in the program are implemented during the first four years of validity. Likewise, a mid-term review of these measures and their degree of implementation is recommended four years after their entry into force.

To finance the actions planned in the program, funds will be allocated for an initial amount of 63,195,000 euros. The contribution of the Junta de Castilla y León, through the various ministries concerned, will amount to 48,395,000 euros. For their part, the municipalities of Palencia and Valladolid will each contribute 4.4 million euros, and the municipalities of León and Zamora will assume a contribution of 3 million euros per institution. However, to these initial amounts, others will have to be added, difficult to quantify at present, since they will depend on the volume and amount of projects for which support is required in terms of entrepreneurship, hiring , training, etc.

Planned actions

The actions proposed for the industrial and commercial development of this territory revolve around six axes: industrial and business land, financing, business projects, training and technical assistance to businesses, administrative rationalization and other new measures to support industrialization.

In the axis of industrial land, industrial and business land equipped with the necessary infrastructure and equipment and a premium of 50% of the sale price. To this end, the Junta de Castilla y León will allocate at least 20,000,000 euros during the duration of the plan.

Likewise, within the framework of the calls for grants carried out by the Institute for Business Competitiveness of Castilla y León, a priority treatment for investment projects in industrial land promoted by municipal councils municipalities included in the program.

In terms of financing, priority will be given to projects involving companies and institutions from Tierra de Campos that opt ​​for the financing instruments of the Financial Platform. In addition, through SODICAL, a fund will be created, endowed with 20,000,000 euros, for the financing of business initiatives in Tierra de Campos, aimed both at the creation of new businesses (seed capital) and to the growth of existing businesses (venture). capital).

In the area of ​​business projects, a series of measures to support investment and entrepreneurship are envisaged, including: better evaluation of business investment projects, who intend to establish themselves in the territory, when they request subsidies managed by the Business Competitiveness Institute of Castilla y León.

In addition, as measures to promote entrepreneurship, the Ministry of Economy and Finance will allocate, at least, one million euros to support entrepreneurs; and the Public Employment Service of Castilla y León will grant an additional amount to projects located in the area, when subsidies are granted to promote the development of independent economic activities, to encourage permanent hiring or to support the hiring of first worker.

Training and technical assistance for businesses

In this area, the educational centers that offer professional training and the Public Employment Service of Castilla y León will adopt the necessary measures to Providing professional companies with the necessary qualifications and skills to improve its competitiveness and its capacity for growth.

For its part, the Foundation for Business Anchoring and Training for Employment in Castilla y León will provide services related to training and technical advice for business projects in Tierra de Campos.

As part of the reduction of administrative burdens, the Junta de Castilla y León will declare the industrialization of Tierra de Campos as being of particular importance and urgent action and will approve measures for the simplification and rationalization of permits, authorizations and other actions necessary for the implementation and start-up of new industrial projects, in order to reduce administrative burdens.

Singular measures

The Territorial Development Plan of the Campos Territory also considers other measures aimed at promoting the endogenous resources of the area. Among them. It should be noted, support, through the “Innovative Projects Bank” for R&D&I projects, promoted by public or private entities. To this measure, which aims to particularly encourage innovation in the agricultural sector, an amount of 1.2 million euros is allocated by the Ministry of the Economy and Finance.

To promote the use of cultural, tourist and heritage resources, the Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Sports, in collaboration with town halls, will promote unique actions within the programming of the Performing Arts Circuits. For its part, the Natural Heritage Foundation of Castilla y León will allocate 500,000 euros to develop this unique project. “Tierra de Campos cycle tourism destination”

The program also includes measures for promotion of affordable public housing in order to attract and retain the young population in the municipalities of the territory. In this sense, the Public Company of Infrastructure and Environment of Castilla y León, SOMACYL, will allocate 3 million euros to develop, in collaboration with municipalities, social housing promotions.

For its part, the Ministry of the Environment, Housing and Regional Planning, within the framework of the current Housing Plan and during the period 2024-2025, will allocate 500,000 euros to the acquisition of housing for the municipal public rental stock; Already recovery of disused municipal propertiesin order to allocate them to social rent, 250,000 euros.

A boost to innovation and the development of collaborative environments linked to the housing and construction industry is also envisaged. In this sense, in collaboration with the Efficient Habitat Cluster, AEICE, the unique project “Habitat Tierra de Campos” will be carried out to promote a collaborative ecosystem that allows the development an innovation laboratory in which promising projects are identified, its viability, financing and subsequent execution are defined. 200,000 euros will be allocated to this initiative.

Within the Tierra de Campos PTF, measures are also included to encourage the development of more sustainable energy models based on the needs and opportunities of the area. In this sense, EREN will invest 180,000 euros for studies and participation in initiatives related to the development of biogas and an additional 20,000 euros will be allocated to support the creation and dissemination of energy communities.

Tierra de Campos offices

In order to carry out effective work of attraction, advice, promotion and monitoring of new or existing business projects and initiatives, the “Tierra de Campos Offices” will be created, which will achieve a permanent and dynamic presence of entrepreneurship on the territory. To finance the creation of these offices, the Institute for Business Competitiveness of Castilla y León will provide a financial contribution of 1,440,000 euros.

The allocated funding also includes an item of 105.00 euros, intended for the creation of a website offering detailed information on the measures envisaged in the program, the preparation of a tourism development program for Tierra de Campos and the development of complementary measures which co-governance requires.

Finally, the Program can integrate actions carried out by other public administrations that operate at the territorial level, notably those already included and planned by the provincial councils of León, Palencia, Valladolid and Zamora.



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