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More than one in three employees is unaware of the benefits of their company, reveals Malakoff Humanis

With the health crisis and the period of high inflation, the potential of social benefits supported by remuneration has become essential for employees and very practical for human resources managers who are always looking for levers complementary to salary to motivate teams. However, the study “The Levers of Attractive HR Policies,” published by Malakoff Humanis on October 16, reveals a serious lack of understanding of what HR managers call the “social package.”

The first lesson from this survey, conducted by Harris Interactive from April 24 to May 17 with 1,500 employees, more than 400 managers and 100 union representatives, is the need to clearly define the social contract that binds the employer to the employees.

The mutual fund that periodically publishes studies on the use of social protection measures in companies confirms, in this one, that employees have a very vague idea of ​​them: 39% of the employees surveyed claim to know little, even very little, about them. the advantages. salary and social benefits made available to you. For example, two-thirds of employees (63%) would like to be better informed about their social protection in terms of health and well-being.

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And the smaller the company, the thicker the fog: this is the case for 45% of employees in organizations with fewer than fifty employees and 49% of companies with fewer than ten employees. Paradoxically, they think that these (unknown) advantages are numerous for at least 40% of the workforce in small businesses and 60% of the workforce in those with 250 people or more.

The vagueness of the notion of social contract

“A lack of knowledge that undoubtedly explains the distortion of perception between some parties and others about the advantages offered. For several years now, we have witnessed a growing distance in our studies on the link between employers and employees.”, comments Anne-Sophie Godon. The director of social support and prevention in Malakoff Humanis companies explains that this is how “The question arose of formalizing the reciprocal commitment that constitutes the social contract.”

Only 8% of employees and 6% of managers surveyed by Harris Interactive say they know exactly what it covers. “I imagine it is a set of measures to guarantee well-being and cohesion among all employees, to work in a viable environment”defines one of the interviewed employees. “It is a moral contract between the company and its employees regarding good working conditions”says another.

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Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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