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HomeBreaking NewsMore than two months since the West Nile virus crisis in Seville,...

More than two months since the West Nile virus crisis in Seville, which has already killed eight people in the province alone

On July 10, the Ministry of Health reported the first death of the year in Andalusia due to West Nile Virus. A 71-year-old woman in Dos Hermanas. More than two months later, 75 days later, the eighth death was recorded, the first in Seville. The deaths have already exceeded those of 2020 throughout Andalusia (7), confirming that this is the greatest crisis of the disease.

So far, all deaths caused by this fever have been recorded in the province of Seville, including that of the woman who died in University Hospital of Navarra early September, but whose infection was recorded in Utrera.

In addition, two other deaths of people bitten by the mosquito have been confirmed. However, in these cases, the medical report did not mention West Nile virus as the cause of death, but rather other previous pathologies. This happened with the deceased in Carmone (Seville) and Villanueva de la Reina (Jaén), both during the first half of September.

In 2024, 87 cases of West Nile virus have already been confirmed throughout Andalusia. Only ten of the infections have been reported outside Seville. Updates in recent weeks reflect an increase in infections in the rest of Andalusia. Until the end of August, only one case had been reported outside Seville, in Campofrío (Huelva).

Thus, during the month of September, new cases were reported in Linares, Ibros, Villanueva de la Reina and Lopera, in Jaen. Also in the Cordoba municipality of Fernán Núñez and in the Cadiz towns of Rosal de la Frontera, Medina Sidonia and Vejer de la Frontera.

All those who died in Seville

On the other hand, the deceased have not left the province. The last one from Seville, the capital, is joined by those from Mairena del Aljarafe, Utrera, La Puebla del Río, Dos Hermanas and the three from Coria del Río. These last two locations have recorded about half of the cases in all of Andalusiaconstituting the epicenter of a crisis that has already gone beyond the limits of the summer.

The evolution of the last few weeks has confirmed the trend of the entire summer period, where Andalusia has exceeded the figures of 2020where 76 cases and seven deaths were recorded (four in Seville and three in Cadiz).

The West Nile virus has arrived in the province of Seville earlier than ever in 2024the first week of June. According to experts such as Ulises Ameyugo, deputy director of Health Protection of the Andalusian Government, this is the result of the “perfect cocktail” of abundant spring rains and the rapid rise in temperatures between April and May.

Institutional conflict

Since then, there has been Disputes between the Junta de Andalucía and the town halls of the main affected municipalities.

Several of them, with the support of the Provincial Council of Sevillehave criticized the Andalusian Strategic Plan for the Surveillance and Control of Arthropod Vectors that Impact Health. The provincial institution has even considered appealing to the courts, considering that the town halls do not have the capacity to handle preventive fumigations.

On the other hand, the Council defends that there are decisions of the TSJA that support their proposal. According to it, the Junta de Andalucía would be responsible for the technical analysis, surveillance, control and trapping of mosquitoes. Instead, they would be fumigation advice.

Also, remember that in Cadiz and Huelva Very few cases have been recorded, despite the existence of mosquito circulation. Sources from the Ministry of Health indicate that the councils of these provinces have pest control services that operate all year round. On the other hand, they point out that they arrived “late” in Seville, despite the million euros mobilized at the end of July.

Higher mosquito densities

According to the latest weekly report from Public Health, mosquito densities remain high in Los Palacios and Villafranca and La Puebla del Río (Seville). On the other hand, they are at average levels in Las Cabezas de San Juan (Seville), Villamanrique de la Condesa (Seville) and Vejer de la Frontera (Cadiz).

In this situation, and based on the experts’ forecasts, which place the end of the season in October, it is expected that in the coming weeks cases will continue to be recorded, thus expanding the scope of a crisis that has reached its peak. maximum levels in 2024.




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