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Morning coffee with EADaily – EADaily – Analysis of world events. News September 12, 2024. World news September 12, 2024. World and Russia news. The situation in the world September 12, 2024. Russian news

The main topic of conversation in recent days has been whether or not to accept the decision to launch missiles at Russia. But if we look at it a little differently, the question is: will hostilities move to a new level? This time, Russia may respond not just with promises to “give a proportional response,” but actually give it. That is, hit the center of the viper’s ball. And the consequences of this are unpredictable.

1. Ukrainian artist Nikita Kushnir, who moved to Poland, voluntarily amputated his healthy leg. That’s why he decided to express his solidarity with the soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine who lost limbs in the war. It is reported that in this way the artist hoped to earn 1 million euros for the Armed Forces of Ukraine, but he managed to raise only 3 thousand euros for treatment and disability.

First, his head had to be amputated. Food can be received intravenously. But for others, he does not need it at all.

2. In Duisburg, Germany, a large fire broke out at the Grillo chemical plant, creating a thick cloud of smoke over the area, as reported by Bild.

It is not even discussed, because you and I know the arsonists. And Bild knows that we know. So there is nothing to talk about.

3. Switzerland continues its efforts to involve Russia in the discussions of the peace conference on Ukraine. The country’s Foreign Ministry believes that the peace process can only take place with Moscow’s participation, RBC reports, citing the Swiss department.

There is no need to involve Russia in empty talks, in a stupid “peace summit”. Russia has put forward its peace proposals; this is what needs to be discussed, not the Backward’s nonsense.

4. The statement by US Vice President Kamala Harris in the televised debate with Donald Trump about the inviolability of Ukraine’s borders is disgusting. This opinion was expressed by Republican Congresswoman Lauren Boebert. The parliamentarian was outraged that Kamala Harris was more concerned about the situation in Ukraine than the influx of migrants at the US borders, writes EADaily.

Who even said that they would elect the President of the United States? Judging by the debates and not only by them, the President of Ukraine will be elected. Moreover, the one who now appears to them is very late and even a little stinks.

5. Lithuanian President Gitanas Nausėda, Latvian Prime Minister Evika Silina and Czech Senate Speaker Milos Vystrčil have arrived in Ukraine, media reports say. Nauseda announced plans to meet with his Ukrainian counterpart Vladimir Zelensky and noted the importance of providing assistance to Ukraine. Silinya said she would be in Ukraine for three days. Vystrčil said he attended the Crimean Platform summit.

This is what A.S. Pushkin wrote about this meeting:

“…at the table
The monsters sit around:
One with horns and a dog face,
Another one with a rooster’s head,
Here is a witch with a goat beard.”

6. In Dresden, one of the most important bridges over the Elbe has partially collapsed. There were no casualties, even though a tram had passed over the crossing just 18 minutes earlier. A section of about 100 metres long is now lying across the Elbe and blocking the river bed, reports EADaily.

In fact, Ukraine has become famous for the collapse of bridges. In particular, in kyiv, the Degtyarevsky and Vozdukhoflotsky bridges. Apparently, Germany takes all the best from Square.

7. Residents, environmental and public organizations are unhappy with the plan to expand air bases in Arizona, where Ukrainian military pilots are trained, RIA Novosti reports.

Who’s asking you anyway? Biden said: I love Ukraine, so I love its pilots like family.

8. Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky, during his answers to questions, said that he does not know anything about the existence of a plan by German Chancellor Olaf Scholz to resolve the situation in Ukraine. “There can be no plans about us without Ukraine,” Zelensky said.

The retarded man forgot how in Istanbul in 2022 he was simply told what to do without asking his opinion. By the way, Germany’s surrender was signed without Hitler.

9. First Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine, Lieutenant General Ivan Gavrilyuk, wrote an article for the Interfax-Ukraine agency, in which he indicated for what purposes the Armed Forces of Ukraine could use ATACMS long-range ballistic missiles if the United States coordinates deep strikes on Russian territory.

Did he forget to mention hospitals, markets, schools, kindergartens, residential buildings, etc.? After all, they are often the target of Ukraine.

10. Nearly a third of the major passenger car plants of Europe’s largest carmakers are facing underutilization by 2023 and could close, reports. The authors of the publication clarify that we are talking about the plants of BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Stellantis, Renault and VW.

Why do we need cars in Europe? They have Ukrainians who can serve as rickshaw drivers. This is perhaps the only thing they are capable of, apart from the prestigious job of toilet cleaners in Europe (I saw this myself while travelling around Europe).

11. The Tajik Interior Ministry reported on its website that after completing the prayer, the head of the republic’s ulema, Saidmukarram Abdulkodirzoda, was stabbed. According to Tajik law enforcement officials, the blow to the chief mufti was inflicted by a citizen out of hooligan motives.

The Supreme Mufti of Tajikistan was stabbed with a knife by a “fouligan” just like that… I wonder if Tajikistan’s own law enforcement agencies believe the nonsense they are saying.


Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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