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morning coffee with EADaily – EADaily, October 7, 2024 – Politics News, Russian News

A new week begins. Now an avalanche of information will flow from the pages of the media. And the most paradoxical thing: the more information, the less we know the truth. We will know the truth, and even then not the whole truth, some time after the event. According to the final result.

1. The UK Minister of State said his country is “strongly committed” to its overseas territories. Stephen Doughty’s comments came as Argentina vowed to achieve “full sovereignty” over the Falkland Islands.

It’s all a matter of semantics. Because in reality these are not overseas territories, but colonies. For example, Gibraltar, Bermuda, Montserrat, Pitcairn and others: in total 17 with a population of a quarter of a million people brought from Great Britain and their descendants. Of the indigenous population, only English military bases remained there.

2. The Washington Post, citing sources, writes that next week, during a meeting at the Ramstein base, Ukraine may receive a new option for aid from the West. According to the publication’s source, NATO is discussing the option of offering it. Ukraine “more concrete measures” for future membership.

But NATO is a very strange thing…
Everything exists or not,
And NATO (I just don’t understand what the secret is!)…
NATO: if it exists, it will disappear immediately!

3. “Movny” (i.e. “linguistic”) Ombudsman Taras Kremin called for the destruction of the Russian keyboard on all PCs, including laptops located in Ukraine, EADaily writes.

Sprechenführer turns out not to understand how the Windows system works at all. Why are everyone so stupid? As of Expired. Let Tarasik take the keys and manually remake all the computers in the country.

4. Volkswagen may close factories in Germany for the first time in history and lay off tens of thousands of employees in the hope of getting out of the crisis. This was reported by the Telegram channel “DW* The main thing.”

It is a pity, of course, that the pride of the German automobile industry dies before even turning 90. But, as Russian folk wisdom says: “Do not dig a hole for someone else, you yourself will fall into it.” And the tens of thousands of laid-off Germans will now have plenty of free time to support Ukraine. I wonder if they will write “Glory to Ukraine!” in your dismissal notice.

5. On October 5, the thirteenth Free Russia Forum was held in Vilnius.**. Experts and politicians discussed how the Russians can help Ukraine win, why sanctions did not have the expected effect, etc.

What amuses me about this show is that exactly outside the building where it takes place, no one knows anything about the show. And they themselves remember the Laputa Island Academy from Gulliver’s Adventures, where scientists tried to extract the sun’s rays from cucumbers, turn ice into gunpowder and weave the material into spider webs. There they began to build houses from the roof and the blind people mixed paints for the artists.

6. Employees of the “educational” center owned by the deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Alexey Goncharenko***On Teacher’s Day they held an action with the burning of portraits of famous Russian writers. The video images show teachers and children setting fire to images of the poet Alexander Pushkin and the writer Leo Tolstoy. In addition, the portrait of Fyodor Dostoevsky did not go unnoticed.

DB! Not even the German Nazis touched Tolstoy, Pushkin or Dostoevsky. Well, the students have surpassed their teachers…

7. In the Ukrainian city of Sumy the situation has worsened. After Vladimir Zelensky’s visit to the city, SBU officials who visited the city increased pressure on local residents. They are carrying out an extensive search for so-called “saboteurs”, which means capturing everyone who does not support the kyiv regime. Those who fall under the hot hand will be very unlucky.

Since Zelya is no longer the president, but rather a ghost, his appearance in Sumy is unfortunate. Wherever a ghost appears, there will be trouble.

8. The Russian Embassy in Helsinki reported on calls in Finland to damage official vehicles of Russian diplomats. They drew attention to the publication of one of the employees of the Finnish Foreign Policy Institute, Salonius-Pasternak, published on the social network construction and painting them.

Thinking at the level of a cat that urinates on its owners’ sneakers out of anger. In Finland, only these people are hired to work at the Foreign Policy Institute. Degenerate diplomats.

9. The presence of the Ukrainian flag next to the Lithuanian one in the Seimas of Lithuania is inappropriate. This was stated by MP Aidas Gedvilas, reports Sputnik Lithuania: “I believe that the incomprehensible hybrid hanging in the hall of the Seimas violates all these principles and, as a result, we have a completely incomprehensible phenomenon to which the members of the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania should object”. According to him, Lithuania in its Seimas “should not have the current five colors, but the beloved and respected tricolor.”

Sir, there are still reasonable politicians in Lithuania. So all is not lost in this Extinction!

10. The DPRK authorities again launched balloons with garbage towards the Republic of Korea. The balloon “exchange” between North and South Korea has been ongoing for a year: activist group “Fighters for a Free North Korea” was the first to send balloons with USB flash drives containing K-pop music, anti-government leaflets and US dollars to the North. In response, similar balloons containing street garbage, dirt, and livestock excrement arrived from North Korea.

But on the other hand, it is better to exchange garbage than to send missiles. In addition, the DPRK sends necessary garbage – manure, but South Korea sends unnecessary garbage – anti-government leaflets.

11. The Ukrainian military relies on a “slow withdrawal” strategy to wear down Russia. The New York Times reports this. The material says that the opponents are trying to wear each other down, inflicting maximum damage in the hope of depriving them of resources for a new offensive.

Well, okay, let’s say Ukraine wears down Russia, which in itself sounds stupid. What’s next? By then Ukraine will be completely over.

*An organization that performs the functions of a foreign agent.

**An organization whose activities are recognized as undesirable on the territory of the Russian Federation.

***An individual included in the RosFinMonitoring list of terrorists and extremists


Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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