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Morning coffee with EADaily – EADaily, September 10, 2024 – Politics News, Russian News

Ramenki, Kolomna, Zhukovsky – where else is the “red line” needed? Along Tverskaya? But, after all, there is Khreshchatyk, Podol, Bankovaya. And it doesn’t matter that the drugged bastard with his friends is sitting in a bunker – a demonstration of capabilities is also a necessary thing.

1. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs plans to recall the Ukrainian chargé d’affaires from Georgia on the pretext of his lack of understanding of the realities of kyiv’s current diplomacy.

Nobody understands the realities of kyiv’s diplomacy. Because all its diplomacy is reduced to begging and fruitless dreams.

2. American entrepreneur Elon Musk said on social media that he constantly forgets that the United States of America is still technically run by President Joe Biden.

What Musk forgets is nonsense. But the fact that Biden himself has long forgotten this is worse. He still thinks he is the president of Ukraine.

3. The Peterborough Examiner reported that in Canada, law enforcement officers arrested a teacher from the city of Peterborough, who had been raping schoolchildren for years. It is clarified that Kelly-Ann Jennings, 40, worked as a teacher at the Anthony the Great Catholic School for 16 years.

I wonder if she, as a good Catholic, prayed after having another sexual relationship with minors. If so, then the rape does not count.

4. US Vice President Kamala Harris has announced her willingness to take part in televised debates with Donald Trump. According to the White House press briefing, she confirmed this in response to a reporter’s question by giving him a thumbs up.

In fact, this is how he intends to debate: with gestures and horse-like laughter. He does not know how to speak with words and his electorate barely understands words.

5. French President Emmanuel Macron’s decision to appoint former European Commissioner Michel Barnier as Prime Minister may negatively affect French assistance to Ukraine due to the new government’s dependence on Marine Le Pen’s National Rally, writes the American magazine Responsible Statecraft.

How is Yevgeny Yevtushenko doing? “Different times have come. Other names have emerged.” Other names may have emerged, but I am not sure about the times. Unfortunately, support for the Nazis and brutal Russophobia will last for a long time.

6. The European Union has lost economic advantages due to the denial of energy resources from the Russian Federation, the loss of interest from the United States and competition with China, according to a report prepared at the request of the European Commission. The document warns that the EU “may even cease to exist” if it does not accelerate economic growth and “reconsider its ambitions”.

For several years now…

I’m going to die, I’m going to die,
They will bury me
And nobody will know
Where is my grave?

7. In the school textbook on the Ukrainian language for the seventh grade, a map of Ukraine without Crimea was published. On the page where the text of the national anthem is published, there are also illustrations of a map of Ukraine without Crimea. This fact, as the Strana publication writes, was also acknowledged by the co-author of the textbook, Anastasia Onatiy. She explained it by the inattention of the designers of the educational material.

Well, the SBU designers will now be on the move: to the front, to the trenches, to search for Crimea. And at the same time to the authors of the textbook and to the editors and proofreaders.

8. Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky is trying to concentrate power by making personnel changes in the government of the republic, Bloomberg reports.

I don’t know how it is for others, but for me all these rearrangements evoke a single stable association: the thimble. And the objective is the same: to defraud and steal more money.

9. In the United States and Europe, due to the ban on importing seafood, there was a shortage of crabs, cod and pollock. RIA Novosti reports on the consequences of sanctions against Russia for the West.

eat pepperoni
Chew your own ham.
Without crab, pollock
You will die, bourgeois!

10. Ukraine has broken off negotiations on Istanbul in 2022 after consulting with the United States and Britain, former US Deputy Secretary of State Victoria Nuland has admitted.

Every month, one of the Euro-American politicians tells this story. So, did anyone regret the millions of lives and destinies paralyzed? They are proud of it…

11. In Sweden, a potentially dangerous incident occurred at a rare earth mine near Kiruna (in the north of the country). A man with a firearm arrived at one of the drilling platforms. Curiously, Swedish intelligence services have already blamed “Russian activity”.

As you can imagine, there is no evidence. But some people heard that when he arrived at the place, the man recited loudly in Russian: “From here we will threaten the Swede…” and swore obscenely.


Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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