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Morning coffee with EADaily – EADaily, September 21, 2024 – Politics News, Russian News

To all Orthodox Christians: Happy Holidays, the Day of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary! Otherwise, Happy Saturday! But no matter what holiday people celebrate – the Twelfth (like the Day of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary) or just a weekly one (Saturday), I wish everyone the same thing – peace and quiet. Unfortunately, I understand that this is not feasible now. At least for many. But let’s wait! There is nothing left for him.

1. German journalist Julian Repke said on social media that the loss of the Leopard 2 main battle tank in the Kursk region raises big questions for the command of the Ukrainian Armed Forces: “The Leopard 2 tank was destroyed in the Kursk region. I don’t understand how this could happen. And most of the Ukrainian military personnel I spoke to did too.

Scratch Nabo’s turnip and try to think, even if it’s hard, and understand. The Russians burned him, just as they did their Tigers and Panthers in 1943. The rest will be burned too.

2. Bloomberg reported that the US Secret Service will review the deleted post by businessman Elon Musk on a social network, in which the businessman expressed his surprise that there were no attacks on US President Joe Biden and his deputy Kamala Harris.

The entire Secret Service has been studying one line for a week:

All the presidential cavalry.

All the men of Washington

Ilona can’t

elon mask,

I can’t understand.

3. The navigation plan of US Navy Chief of Staff Admiral Lisa Franchetti contains information on preparations for possible military action against China by 2027, TASS reports.

“A woman aboard a ship brings bad luck” is an old naval saying. According to The National Interest, auditors identified seven key problems in the US Navy that have yet to be resolved. Apparently there are a lot of women in the US Navy. And they are in trouble.

4. The European Parliament adopted a resolution calling for the arrest of Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro and the recognition of opposition leader Edmundo González as the country’s leader.

How long has Venezuela been part of Europe? Or have they completely lost their minds in the European Parliament No. 6? I remember that the EP appointed Juan Guaidó as president of Venezuela. Where is Guano now? Gonzalez will be there soon.

5. The number of refugees in Germany has reached its highest level since the end of World War II and amounts to almost 3.5 million people, of which around 1.18 million are Ukrainians, reports the German newspaper Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung citing official documents. EADaily writes about this.

Learn history, gentlemen. Ancient Rome, great and powerful, died not because of a military attack, but because it accepted a large number of barbarians, who eventually destroyed the empire.

6. The monument to Russian poet Alexander Pushkin in the centre of Odessa will be demolished. The corresponding order was signed by the military administration of the region, TASS reports.

And rumors about him spread throughout Great Rus,

And everyone praised him: Russian and Tungus.

And the savages cursed him,

The son of Ukraine is a vile villain.

7. Representatives of the US human rights organisation Freedom of the Press Foundation (FPF) have demanded that US President Joe Biden provide evidence of the accusations against the RT television channel. This is stated in a message on the organisation’s website.

Sir, where did such naive fools come from? Will Biden provide evidence? You cannot imagine your own thoughts (if you still have them) and you cannot provide evidence. And when did the US government provide evidence? Oh yes, I forgot: the “Powell tube”!

8. The head of the kyiv regime, Vladimir Zelensky, updated the composition of the headquarters of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief. The corresponding presidential decree was published on his website. The document was signed on September 19.

Well done, outdated. He made the right decision: he didn’t change the beds, but the prostitutes in his brothel. The only problem is that while he has a great selection of people with low social responsibility, they are all worn out and useless.

9. “The Latvian Parliament (Seimas) has banned the use of the Russian language in ATMs of the country’s commercial banks. ATMs must now be configured for the Latvian language (including Latgalian). The use of official languages ​​of EU member states is also permitted.

Russian is one of the official languages ​​of the UN, spoken by about 260 million people. And Latgalian is spoken (and even then very rarely) by 250 thousand people. A country (or more precisely, a misunderstanding) of imbeciles…

10. Vladimir Zelensky said he would “end” the conflict with Russia this year: “We are interested in peace: we must strengthen Ukraine as much as possible in order to be able to organize a second summit this year that could put an end to this conflict.”

Obsessive-compulsive disorder is a mental disorder that manifests itself in involuntary, intrusive, disturbing, or frightening thoughts (obsessions).

11. Vladimir Zelensky: “I was asked a question about what will happen if US President Joe Biden does not support my peace plan. Do I have a Plan B? I will be honest: we are already on Plan B. We are living in it.”

Wrong, outdated. You’re on plane “F.” Long and deep. Although Zelebob’s frequent meetings with the current chief gynecologist at the EP lead me to assume that you’re on plan “P.” Or, to put it culturally, “B.”


Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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