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Morning coffee with EADaily – EADaily, September 23, 2024 – Politics News, Russian News

Someone will probably consider the adoption by the UN of a multi-page empty document called the “Pact for the Future”, adopted at the so-called “Future Summit”, an event. A message that is unusual in its demagogy. Future descendants will not read even half a page, because everything written is unnecessary, uninteresting and unrealistic. These are the rolls of toilet paper with which the UN tries to justify its meaningless existence.

1. The US Navy has apologised for the destruction of an Alaska Native settlement at the end of the last century. At a ceremony in Kake, the US military admitted responsibility for the bombing that destroyed the village and caused numerous casualties in 1869, writes The Guardian.

Apology after 150 years. Who needs it? Has anyone lived to accept the apology? Perhaps, at the beginning of the 23rd century, the United States will apologize to the residents of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

2. Estonian authorities are committing an act of vandalism by digging up the graves of Red Army soldiers and exhuming their remains, said Lenar Salimullin, the Russian Chargé d’Affaires in Estonia. Earlier, the authorities of the Saaremaa parish carried out excavations on the territory of the Tehumardi memorial complex. As the elder of the aforementioned volost, Mikka Tuiska, said, the presence of five-pointed stars on the memorial plaques is “ugly.”

The location of the ugly Nazi neoplasm “Estonia” in the north-east of Europe, on its outskirts, is what is truly ugly and disgusting.

3. Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky is lying about the number of dead Ukrainian Armed Forces personnel, Ukrainian journalist Diana Panchenko said. According to her, Zelensky will never tell citizens the exact figure because he wants to maintain the illusion of a more favorable environment.

What does he not lie about? Can’t lie at all? Never said a word of truth in his entire life. Not taught by parents…

4. Lithuanian state television host Algis Ramanauskas has proposed shooting parents for watching Russian films and listening to Russian music, Sputnik Lithuania reports.

It’s good to be brave and sit on your farm, far from the Russians. Is it difficult to say that to your face? Not for children, but for ordinary men and fathers. Weak. Because scoundrels are always cowards.

5. According to the AL website, four people were killed in a shooting that occurred late on Saturday night in the city of Birmingham (Alabama, USA). Several dozen people were injured.

In the United States, the Soviet song is sung differently:

the job is finished
Saturday has come again.
And you and I are anxious
Shoot someone.

6. Biden told leaders gathered at the Quad summit that China is “testing us” across the region. The US president’s remarks were recorded as he spoke into a microphone while the White House chief pointed the finger at Beijing, saying it “continues to be aggressive” in areas such as the South China Sea.

And they were hiding so much that they didn’t want it to look like they were having a fight with the People’s Republic of China. And Biden… But what can you take away from a sick old man?

7. Three-quarters of French residents have expressed their dissatisfaction with the country’s president, Emmanuel Macron, according to a survey conducted by Ifop for the Journal du Dimanche newspaper.

So what kind of democracy is this? Democracy is the power of the people. 75% of all sections of the population are unhappy with Macron: the people are against him. According to democratic standards, it is time for him to retire with his dear old friend. Or is he waiting for his companion, little Tsakhes?

8. Current and former U.S. intelligence officials say Russian intelligence agencies are increasing their presence in Mexico to conduct spying operations targeting the United States. NBC News reported this.

What can we say about the United States, whose embassies in countries bordering Russia are staffed by dozens, even hundreds of people, not to mention combat groups and military bases in Bulgaria, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Estonia?

9. India’s Ministry of External Affairs confirmed that the United States has pledged to return 297 illegally exported art objects to the country. We are talking about artifacts dating from 2000 BC to 1900 AD. In connection with Modi’s visit to the United States, the US side facilitated the return of 297 antiquities that were stolen or removed from India, EADaily reports.

Some questions: How many more were stolen? Who will be punished for theft? And most importantly: What does India now owe the US?

10. The head of the kyiv regime, Vladimir Zelensky, has asked Constantinople to elevate the status of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine (OCU) to the level of a patriarchate, writes According to the Ukrainian president, the country’s citizens would support such an idea.

How does the Backward One know the opinions of the citizens of the country? Or is he referring to his “Kvartal-95”? But the real issue is that the questions of Orthodoxy in Ukraine are decided by a secular Jew.

11. British Prime Minister Keir Starmer was suspected of supporting Russia because he bought a Siberian kitten. Public figure, lawyer and war veteran Stephen James wrote about this on the social network X: “Keir Starmer’s choice of a Russian Siberian kitten instead of a British shorthair is a clear sign that he does not support the UK!”

Apparently, the combat veteran was seriously shaken!


Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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