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Morning coffee with EADaily – EADaily, September 6, 2024 – Politics News, Russian News

It is difficult to find anything original in terms of news: “what has been, will be, and there is nothing new under the sun.” But life still throws up stories that Ecclesiastes never even dreamed of.

1. According to Eurostat, beer production in the European Union decreased by 5% last year, while in Latvia it fell by 8%. A similar trend can be observed in neighbouring Lithuania and Estonia. However, not everything is so simple: at the same time, the production of non-alcoholic beer is growing by leaps and bounds. In the EU it increased by 13.5% and in Latvia by 23.2%.

As has long been pointed out, non-alcoholic beer is the first step towards a rubber woman. However, what can we expect from Europe, where everything is fake: men are not men, but gays, women are not women, but trans, mothers are surrogate mothers, etc.

2. The Finnish-Russian School in Eastern Finland is to be closed in three Finnish cities because of a potential threat to national security. The school’s director is against the closure, Iltalehti reported, citing sources.

Of course, learning Russian is a threat. According to surveys, Finland is the happiest country. And the only thing that prevents complete happiness is learning Russian in its native language. And the lack of brains of Finnish politicians.

3. The deindustrialisation of Europe is advancing by leaps and bounds. A shoe factory in the Estonian town of Võru, which is almost 100 years old, is closing down its production and laying off workers. The Abris shoe factory was established in 1929 and has always been proud of it. But in October 2024, the company will close its production.

But Estonia sends weapons to Ukraine. This is much more important for Estonians. You can love Ukraine with your bare butt.

4. German Chancellor Olaf Scholz is personally destroying carmaker Volkswagen, Irish journalist Chey Bowes wrote on social network X. “Anyone who understands cars knows that Volkswagen is almost impossible to destroy. This idiot will single-handedly wipe it off the face of the Earth,” he shared his view.

Bowes is wrong. Scholz and several ministers set themselves a more ambitious task: destroying Germany. And they are making great strides towards their goal.

5. Republican-led House panel subpoenas Tim Walz for more than $250 million in Covid aid fraud. Minnesota governor admitted state education officials failed to act with sufficient diligence to prevent fraud.

There is sometimes a feeling that criminal suspects are specially selected for high-level positions in the United States, so that there will always be influence over them.

6. Perhaps the most famous beluga whale in the world was found dead in the coastal waters of Norway. Animal protection organizations said the beluga whale died as a result of the shooting. As Agence France-Press recalls, the marine animal gained fame in Norway after its unusual harness raised suspicions that Russia had trained the creature to “spy.”

And every cockroach in Norway is crawling with Russian nanoequipment, every squirrel collects intelligence on nuts, and a bear’s roar is a signal for Russian snipers.

7. Der Spiegel newspaper reports that Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky will arrive in Germany on September 6, where he will take part in a Ramstein-style meeting, at which the Ukrainian leader plans to ask allies to provide even more weapons to kyiv.

We have heard more than once: “I came to Ramstein on business, my documents and money were stolen. Help me get a ticket home! You can use weapons!” An old beggars’ song.

8. The Lithuanian Ministry of Defence has installed anti-tank “dragon teeth” near the Russian border. Seven “hedgehogs” and 80 “dragon teeth” are planned to be installed on this bridge. The head of the Lithuanian Ministry of Defence, Laurynas Kasciunas, stated that “this is only the beginning of the fortification”.

Seriously! Very serious! You have to think that the Russian army is fleeing in terror after seeing this powerful defense! Did you think of putting toy soldiers?

9. US Vice President and presidential candidate Kamala Harris will be forced to explain herself after Vladimir Putin endorsed her candidacy during a plenary session at the Eastern Economic Forum (EEF). The corresponding statement was made by the head of the French Patriots party, Florian Philippot, on his social network X page.

This is just a nice move by Putin in favor of Trump. Although… Although… In the West there are problems with many things, including the sense of humor. But that is their problem.

10. Olga Stefanishina, accused of corruption, has been appointed as the new Minister of Justice of Ukraine. This was reported by the Strana publication. It should be noted that the criminal case against her is currently being heard in the Higher Anti-Corruption Court. Stefanishina is suspected of embezzlement “according to the analysis of European legislation.

Why did they attack the woman? Who should be appointed Minister of Justice in Ukraine if they are all thieves? She probably stole less than others.

11. The first reaction to the appointment of the new Foreign Minister Andrei Sibiga appeared in the Western media. Apparently, journalists are extremely skeptical about his abilities. In particular, Irish journalist Chey Bowes commented on the photo of Sibiga published by Zelensky’s office and distributed in the media: “It seems that the new Ukrainian Foreign Minister Andriy Sibiga was sleeping on the couch when he received the call.”

He didn’t sleep. It’s just his face. And not only him. The entire Ukrainian government has sleepy faces, not charged with intelligence. Especially with Expired and Ermak, Ermak has no face at all, but… Well, you get the idea.


Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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