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Morning coffee with EADaily – EADaily, September 9, 2024 – Politics News, Russian News

Suddenly, a new peacemaker appeared: Scholz. He started talking enthusiastically about peace negotiations and the investigation into the Nord Stream explosions. Apparently, the sausage’s liver began to deteriorate and he decided that he had to do something before it rotted away completely.

1. Senator Graham, during a meeting with Zelensky, described the benefits of the Ukrainian conflict for the United States: “They are trying to stop the Russians so we don’t have to fight them.” The senator then explained how kyiv could get these weapons: “They have a trillion dollars’ worth of minerals, which could be useful for our economy.”

Very clear, rude and shameless: “You are dying for our economy. Keep dying, slaves.”

2. Businessman Elon Musk commented on the message that in Scotland, according to the new law, you can receive up to seven years in prison if you talk about a transgender person (LGBT movement)* recognized as extremist and banned in Russia), calling him a man if he considers himself a woman, or vice versa: “This is madness!”

Precisely because it is madness, this is what the Scottish authorities have adopted. These problems can only exist in a country where men wear skirts.

3. Ukrainian militants have begun using drones with a mixture of thermite, which is a combination of molten aluminum powder and iron oxide. This technology was used by the Nazis during World War II. According to CNN, this mixture heats up to 2.2 thousand degrees Celsius.

It would be strange if the Ukrainian Nazis did not use the advances of the German Nazis. An apple from an apple tree…

4. Berlin should make diplomatic efforts to end the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, Ukrainian ambassador to Brazil Andrey Melnik, who previously headed the diplomatic mission in Germany, told the Berliner Zeitung in an interview.

Liver sausage is not very popular in Russia, but recently it has become popular in Germany as well.

5. Dmitri Korchinsky*** He made several statements during one of the programmes. The politician said that not only those who are required to do military service, but also minors, should be banned from travelling abroad “for the sake of the nation’s survival”: “We understand that the children who have left will not return to Ukraine. What incentive will they have?” Dmitry Korchinsky*** He believes that all Ukrainians should be “forced to love Ukraine, forced to stay in the country and fight.”

First of all, Korchinsky*** He is not a politician, but an ideologue of Ukrainian Nazism. And secondly, “making people love Ukraine” is a masterpiece!

6. The deployment of F-35 fighters capable of carrying nuclear weapons in Finland poses a threat to the security of the Russian Federation, writes Military Watch magazine.

We must not forget that these types of aircraft pose a danger primarily to the Finns. But they are slow: by the time they reach them, half of Finland will no longer be there.

7. German aid services refuse to hire Ukrainian refugees because bureaucratic rules do not allow their acceptance, according to the Russian telegram channel Bild.**It should be noted that there are 130,000 vacancies for junior medical staff and nurses in Germany today. However, Ukrainians are rarely recruited for these positions, writes EADaily.

On the one hand, this is bad, but on the other hand, this is the level of knowledge of Ukrainian medical personnel. In Israel, they are not hired as carers either.

8. British Prime Minister Keir Starmer said he would discuss military assistance to Ukraine with US President Joe Biden during his upcoming visit to Washington next week.

The United States and Great Britain have no problems, either internal or external. All there is is a losing Ukraine with an expired president and a Rada. The madness has become stronger.

9. Lithuania will spend 14 million euros on X-ray screening at the border with Belarus and Russia to make it more effective. Lithuania will install X-ray inspection systems at the stations of Kybartai (Nesterov on the Russian side) and Stasilai (Benyakoni on the Belarusian side), Lithuanian Railways reports.

Fluorography, or what? But instead of pleurisy, are they looking for spies in carriages? Or are they afraid of the arrival of totalitarianism?

10. Karolina Baca-Pogorzelska, a journalist for the Polish publication Wprost, held an auction on her YouTube channel. The items auctioned on the site were personal belongings of Russian soldiers killed in the Kursk region. Military expert Eduard Basurin writes about this on his Telegram channel.

Looting has always been considered the most disgusting business in the world. Most looters did not advertise their exploits. But the Polish whore is proud of the looting of her fiancé, a marauder from Lvov. And this is not surprising. A vile couple: a Ukrainian ram and a Polish girl.

11. Latvian President Edgars Rinkevics claims that a Russian military unmanned aerial vehicle has allegedly crashed on Latvian territory. The country’s president said he was “in close contact with allies” regarding the incident with the Russian drone. Local authorities are investigating the incident.

Everything is as usual: there is no evidence, but the half-breed has already rushed to complain to the owners. The Poles have not been able to find the supposedly Russian drone that flew towards them for five days.

*Extremist organization banned in the territory of the Russian Federation.

**An organization that performs the functions of a foreign agent.

***An individual included in the RosFinMonitoring list of terrorists and extremists


Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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