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Mortality has decreased in recent years

THE mortality for all types of cancers in Navarre experienced a decrease of 21% among men and 15% among women between 2014 and 2020, according to the Evaluation of the Navarre Health Plan 2014-2020.

He Regional Government Health Directorate made available to the Health Commission of the Parliament of Navarre the assessment of the Navarre Health Plan 2014-2020registered in Parliament as described in Article 22 of the Regional Health Law 10/90.

The validity of this plan having ended, the Department will develop, through a process of public participation, a new plan with a horizon of 2030 “with challenges such as achieving integration of person-centered care and their environmentpromote research in innovation with an inclusive vision or achieve excellence in terms of humanization in the health and social system of Navarre.

The assessment, “which suffered a delay due to the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic”, was carried out on the basis of the indicators defined in the plan itself by the Planning Service of the Department of Health and benefited from the participation of the technical committees of Health Plan Monitoring.


The plan is structured around twelve health strategiesitself composed of 52 programs, through a total of 250 key actions.

Of these, 74% have been achieved and, among other things, “remarkable progress in the promotion of healthy lifestylesthe prevention of chronic diseases, the care of vulnerable groups or the empowerment of self-management of the population’s health, among others.

So they stand out indicators such as mortality for all the types of cancers that Navarra has known a decrease of 21% in men and 15% in women since 2014. Prevention strategies “have worked in many cases, including, for example, controlling the incidence of cervical cancer, which has barely increased by 0.1% over the past 20 years.”

Navarre is the regional community “with one of the highest participation rates in the Colon Cancer Early Detection Programwhich reached 76.8%. “This” could have contributed to the premature mortality rate from colon cancer showing a stable trend in both sexes, with a more pronounced decrease in the last five years (23% in men and 32% in women) “.

In recent years, “sand reduced harmful habits such as tobacco usewhich decreased by 29% among men and 10% among women between 2014 and 2020.” Another example is “the decrease in the sedentary lifestyle of the Navarrese population over 15 years old, 20% among men and 14% among women over the same period.”

Navarre “is distinguished by being the second oldest autonomous community in Spainwith an average life expectancy of 84.8 years at birth and one of the autonomous communities with more years of healthy life (80.9 years of healthy life at birth and 19.6 years of healthy life at age 65)”.

Regarding the patient satisfactionIndicators such as the degree of satisfaction of the Navarrese population with the information and advice received in primary care have improved, remaining at 8.3 out of 10.

According to Elena Antoñanzas, director of the Planning, Health Strategy and Research Service of the Ministry of Health, “the Health Plan prioritizes strategies and programs considered most likely to contribute to improve the overall level of health of the population and focuses attention on evaluating and monitoring the progress made by these programmes.

“During this period, transparency was promoted by the implementation of a complete information system with different channels to provide public information in a way that ensures access to it for all citizens,” he said.


During the period 2014 – 2020, the strategies followed in the cancer prevention and care and other initiatives such as the management of complex chronic childhood diseases, the strategy for the management of multi-pathological patients, the promotion of humanized care at birth and breastfeeding, with 14 health centers and 3 public hospitals adhering to this initiative, or the advancement of the implementation of projects such as the child and adolescent health program in primary care.

The implementation of programs aimed at addressing serious mental disorders This is “another notable step” of the aforementioned plan. To launch these initiatives, “it was necessary to integrate care processes, articulated around coordinated services, developing advanced care models, such as major outpatient surgery, with a 35% increase in interventions since 2014, or home care that has increased by 200%, among others.

Interinstitutional collaboration “has been fundamental to the success” of initiatives such as the Community Health Promotion Programand the promotion of healthy aging programs or protection of vulnerable children.

They also highlight the Integrated Clinical History (ANDIA), the Personal Health Recordof which 499,271 people already have active remote monitoring tools, the Navarre Results Analysis Base (BARDENA) or integrated clinical and management control panels and dashboards.

The assessment with gender perspectivebeyond the normative analysis by gender, “is the result of the explicit and concrete commitment of the Ministry of Health to equality.”


He Ministry of Health She has promoted research through grants and subsidies or by promoting research with the journal Anales del Sistema Sanitario de Navarra.

In December 2013 it was launched Navarrabiomedmanaged since then by the Miguel Servet Foundation, while in 2019 the accreditation of the Navarre Research Institute (IDISNA) was obtained by the Carlos III Health Institute. The number of researchers in the public sphere has increased by 70%.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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