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HomeBreaking NewsMother confesses she murdered her four-month-old baby in Seville because she wouldn't...

Mother confesses she murdered her four-month-old baby in Seville because she wouldn’t stop crying

Since the beginning of August, a mother has been in prison for allegedly kill your four month old baby in the Sevillian neighborhood of San Jerónimo. At first, the boy showed no signs of violence, but a few days later the woman was arrested after confessing to the crime. He revealed that he did it because he couldn’t stop crying.

As confirmed by the National Police, the baby has already entered the Virgen del Rocío Hospital deceasedIn principle, he is accused of the crime of murder, but the process is still in the investigation phase, so the charge could be changed.

According to what was reported by the Diario de Sevilla and this media was able to confirm, the events were recorded on July 27. The mother, after informing the father that his son did not reactspoke to a neighbor, who immediately called for help. In addition to an ambulance, the national police also arrived at the home.

He was transferred to the Virgen del Rocío Hospital, where emergency services confirmed his death. It was while performing the autopsy at the Institute of Legal Medicine that signs of violence were observed.

The National Police Homicide Unit took charge of the investigation and interviewed several neighbors. Finally, the woman called a police station five days later, on August 1, to confess that he had killed his son because I couldn’t stop crying. He hit him on the head and squeezed his neck until he stopped moving.

A day later, he was brought to court. During further questioning, he expanded on his story, revealing that he had taken several liters of beer that day and that she was really sorry.

According to Diario de Sevilla, the mother’s version is in line with what was revealed by the autopsy. The baby had a “subdural hematoma” which is related to the blow to the head.

However, as confirmed by police sources, the forensic phase is not over. They indicate that since it is a baby, the tests are different, so we must wait for know exactly the cause of death.




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