Friday, September 20, 2024 - 6:39 am
HomeBreaking NewsMr. President, what are these immigration “problems” you are talking about?

Mr. President, what are these immigration “problems” you are talking about?

Mauritania has an official unemployment rate of 10.63%. Spain’s official unemployment rate is 11.27%.

What we don’t know is what the real unemployment rate is in Mauritania. But we know the real Spanish unemployment rate.

According to a study by the Juan de Mariana Institute, The real Spanish rate is 15.8%. How do you arrive at this 15.8%? In addition to the official 11.27%, there are 1.1 million workers who are not listed as unemployed even though they are unemployed.

Pedro Sanchez with Mauritanian President Mohamed Ould Ghazouani.


SO Pedro SanchezThe president of the country with the highest unemployment in the EU has promised to hire 250,000 African workers in Mauritania, which officially has fewer unemployed people than Spain.

The question is obvious. If Pedro Sánchez has not managed to create these 250,000 jobs in Spain for Spanish workers with Spanish studies and professional experience, How and in which sector do you intend to create them for Mauritanian, Senegalese and Gambian workers with Mauritanian, Senegalese and Gambian studies and professional experience?

It won’t be thanks to the State Public Employment Service, the SEPE. Do you know any Spaniards who have found work thanks to the SEPE? If you do, contact EL ESPAÑOL, because this news deserves to be on the front page. Let’s see if the trick was to go to Mauritania to get the offer that you don’t get in Spain.

And all this has been promised by President Sánchez himself, who claims that artificial intelligence, robotics, biotechnology and the ecological transition are the keys to the Spanish economy of the future.

Good luck to these 250,000 immigrants from countries like Mauritania, where 66% of women have been victims of genital mutilation, where one in three girls has been forcibly married to an adult, where sexual violence is not only a daily occurrence but also goes unpunished, and where slavery continues to be rampant.

A country, by the way, eaten away by dozens of jihadist terrorist groups. A small detail that does not seem to be taken into account every time the Open Arms lands hundreds of anonymous African immigrants in Spanish ports. No name, no passport, no past and, of course, no criminal record.

In reality, we all know that Pedro Sánchez promised 250,000 jobs but he will not create a single one, nor has he built a single one of the 180,000 homes he promised during the regional election campaign in May 2023.

The problem for the Spanish is that the attraction effect, unlike the jobs promised by Sánchez, is real. So these 250,000 immigrants will arrive in our country anyway, but without a work contract.

Without a contract, but yes, knowing that the Spanish welfare state has a heart “as big”.

In order not to start overboard, the Spanish president could have started by regularizing the 700,000 illegal immigrants in Spain. And this by accepting the biggest one, namely the thesis of the Bank of Spain according to which our country Twenty-five million immigrants will be needed in 2053 to maintain the welfare state.

My question is this.

If only the 20% of Spaniards who earn the most are net contributors to the state coffers, that is, they pay more than they receive in public services, how does Pedro Sánchez intend to ensure that these twenty-five million immigrants are placed in the 20th% who pay and not the 80% who receive?

Because anything that isn’t that Not only does this not save the welfare state, it contributes to devastating it..

“Immigration is not a problem,” said Pedro Sánchez, “but a necessity that implies certain problems.”

This makes one wonder, “What specific problems are we talking about, Mr. President?” Because perhaps in the verbalization of this problem that the President acknowledges, but without going into detail, is the key to everything.

Are we talking about Molenbeek-type problems? Rotherham-type problems? Professional-type problems? Or all of them together?

What problems are you talking about, Mr President?




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