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Municipalities will have the regulations to apply a tourist tax from the beginning of 2025

The Xunta expects that on January 1st it will be “ready” for municipalities that wish to do so to implement the measure in their territory.

Xosé Merelles, Goretti Sanmartín, Miriam Louzao and Antonio Casas, this Friday, after their meeting MONICA ARCAY (EP)


Updated at 1:33 p.m.

Regional regulations which will allow municipalities which wish to do so to do so applying a tourist tax will be “ready on January 1st”, if the Xunta’s forecasts come true, as confirmed this Friday by the director of the Tourism Agency, Xosé Merelles. That day, he met with the mayor of Santiago Goretti Sanmartín, who expressed his satisfaction with the Xunta’s “change of opinion”; a position, that of carrying out this new optional tax, which Alfonso Rueda had already put forward a few days before, provided that two conditions are met: that the resources are allocated to the tourism sector and that the method of collection is negotiated with the sector.

The proposal, Merelles and Ep reported, will be submitted to Parliament “so that this tax can be implemented as quickly as possible” and, as a condition, The management and collection of the tax must be “100% municipal”.

(news in expansion)


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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