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HomeBreaking NewsMusk responds with accusations against judge Alexandre de Moraes

Musk responds with accusations against judge Alexandre de Moraes

The blocking of social network X in Brazil was ratified by a five-judge chamber of the Supreme Court of Brazil. For his part, Elon Musk, owner of the platform, continues to share messages on In Spain, the lack of moderation and anonymity on social networks has also been criticized in recent months.

Starlink continues to refuse to block access to X to its more than 200,000 users who have subscribed to its satellite connection service and can now use it for free. Thus, the tension has increased between the Brazilian justice and the companies of the South African tycoon.

The billionaire had no qualms about making all kinds of jokes on his program about Judge Moraes. Not only did he publicly accuse him of being a criminal, but X has certified a new account that claims to be dedicated to unmasking the judge.

The blockade remains

Judge Moraes called a virtual session of the first courtroom, to which he belongs, so that his peers could review the decision to ban and close X. Elon Musk had described him as a dictator and shares messages from other accounts on his profile that they accuse the magistrate of following his own interests to enforce censorship in the country.

The Supreme Court of Brazil is composed of 11 judges, divided into two chambers of five members each, not including the president. According to the Brazilian media O Globothree judges, Cristiano Zanin, Flávio Dino and Cármen Lúcia, fully supported De Moraes’ decision, while a fourth, Luiz Fux, noted reservations about a fine for people who circumvent the ban with a VPNclaiming that only people who post criminal messages such as those expressing Nazism or fascism should be fined.

Musk turns Twitter into X

Europe Press


This is one of the alternative ways that Brazilians have been using to circumvent the ban. Last week, the courts ordered the National Telecommunications Agency (Anatel) to limit access to X within 24 hours and gave Apple and Google five days to remove X from their mobile app stores.

However, those who have already downloaded the app and are using a VPN can bypass the carrier block. You might also use the satellite connection offered by Starlinkanother company of Elon Musk, which refuses to block access to the social network until its finances are restored in the South American country, another of the measures of Judge Moraes to guarantee the payment of the fines imposed on X.

An official account

In addition to refusing to comply with the orders imposed by the Brazilian Supreme Court, Elon Musk is waging a fierce campaign against Moraes on his social network. The tycoon is spreading memes about the magistrate, calling him a criminal and a dictator. Even in August, an account appeared on X dedicated to “reveal the illegal instructions given to X by Alexandre de Moraes.”

This new profile appears as account affiliated with X, in addition to displaying the yellow check which indicates that it is the official profile of a company or organization. Media outlets such as Reuters or the Wall Street Journal, as well as national media outlets such as EL ESPAÑOL, also display this yellow badge.




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