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HomeLatest NewsNacho Cano denounces the intern of "Malinche" who denounced him for blackmail

Nacho Cano denounces the intern of “Malinche” who denounced him for blackmail

Nacho Cano denounced Lesly Guadalupe Ochoa Flores, the series’ intern, for “conditional threats” and revealing secrets. Malinche who sued the artist for violating workers’ rights, as reported by Europa Press, which had access to the complaint.

The musician presented as evidence of “blackmail” the messages sent via WhatsApp from the intern’s phone to the head of the musical’s production, in which she requested a payment of 6,000 euros, a letter of recommendation and a stay in a hotel to avoid that “was carried out legally.” A few days ago, Nacho Cano’s lawyers had forwarded these messages to the judge in charge of investigating whether the music producer had brought interns disguised as tourists for his musical. Malinche.

According to the complaint, Cano’s legal representative believes that Guadalupe Ochoa Flores “tried to blackmail” Nacho Cano “into complying with her demands, otherwise he and the rest of his 17 Mexican interns would be seriously injured.”

The messages were allegedly sent on December 22, 2023, before Lesly Guadalupe Ochoa filed the complaint. “By reaching this agreement, I am not proceeding legally and I do not remember that they exist,” he wrote. “I agree to remove all my belongings from the hostel as soon as the payment is settled and that’s it, they will never hear from me again. “I always sign everything they ask me, as long as it does not harm my career or my person.”

Nacho Cano’s lawyer also stated in his complaint that, after not responding affirmatively to the “blackmail”, “a campaign of attack, discredit and harassment” began against the musician and the management of the musical. Malinche. Regarding the crime of discovery and disclosure of secrets, Cano’s lawyer pointed out that she signed the documents, on December 3, 2023, for the transfer of rights, the authorization of the right to the image and an “indefinite confidentiality agreement.”

They also highlight the complaint that Lesly Ochoa “failed to adapt to the program and caused numerous clashes with her classmates, making coexistence unbearable.” For this reason, and since according to them it was written in the conditions of the project, they were asked to abandon it. According to the complaint, Ochoa was not “the only one invited” to abandon the scholarship because “they had not reached the required technical level,” but there was a second person. Ochoa actually refused to leave the country and, according to the complaint, “a perfectly orchestrated operation of extortion and blackmail against Nacho Cano” begins at that moment.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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