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HomeLatest NewsNacho Cano gives the judge messages from a "Malinche" intern in which...

Nacho Cano gives the judge messages from a “Malinche” intern in which he asks for 6,000 euros not to denounce him

Nacho Cano’s lawyers have handed over to the judge investigating whether the music producer brought interns disguised as tourists for his musical Malinche, messages from the intern who reported him in which she demanded 6,000 euros and a letter of recommendation in exchange for “no legal proceedings.”

In the WhatsApp collected by Efe, the young Mexican explained that she had spoken with her lawyer about her situation in the musical and that she could sue him for “negligence, discrimination, psychological abuse and deprivation of liberty in the hostel, among others.” This evidence was provided to the magistrate but does not imply any change in the file, which continues its course to verify whether the former member of Mecano irregularly kept about twenty interns in his work.

The messages were allegedly sent on December 22, 2023, before the lawsuit was filed. “By reaching this agreement, I am not proceeding legally and I do not remember that they exist,” he wrote. “I agree to remove all my belongings from the hostel as soon as the payment is settled and that’s it, they will never hear from me again. “I always sign everything they ask me, as long as it does not harm my career or my person.”


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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