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HomeBreaking NewsNacho Cano's "interns" in Malinche leave Spain without reporting to the courts

Nacho Cano’s “interns” in Malinche leave Spain without reporting to the courts

The denouement of the story of the 17 “interns” by Malinche, the musical directed by Nacho Canocould be close. But, in the meantime, it promises new seasons. The young Mexicans will abandon Spain This Sunday afternoon, head to Guadalajara, west of Mexicothe same city from which they arrived. They will do it even if it has been two months the protagonists of a judicial process opened against Cano and three other women for two alleged crimes serious.

He Court of Instruction number 19 of Madrid considers them as “people harmed” by crimes against workers’ rights and against the rights of foreigners. But this is not their feeling: since the arrest of Nacho Cano the past July 9 They took up the producer’s defense, obeying at all times the orders of one of the people investigated, as EL ESPAÑOL had already reported, Roxana Drexel.

“We participate in Malinche voluntarily,” he said. Alina Ximena to this media outlet the same day. While he was speaking, he was supervised by one of Cremades’ lawyers and Calvo Sotelo, a cameraman from Malinche’s production company, recorded what he was saying, as well as Roxana Drexel herself, whom he National Police reported as the person who irregularly introduced the 18 Mexicans in Spain, being billed.

Nacho Cano is shown with three of his supposed interns.


Even if the young Mexicans accepted their conditions (days of 10 hours a day, cash payment of 500 euros monthly, without registration with social security) in Spanish criminal law, crimes that protect fundamental rights, such as human trafficking, labor exploitation or crimes against the rights of workers and foreign citizens, do not depend on consent of the victim.

That is to say, even if the “scholarship holders” declared before the Court that they were studying without a study contract or that they were working without an internship contract on a voluntary basis, the law presumes that consent is not valid. Sources close to the investigation maintain that if it is proven that the young Mexicans were deceived to enter Spain, prior or subsequent consent it is not relevant for the qualification of the offense.

However, this statement cannot be made after the 17 Mexicans, to whom the National Police located this weekend on the island of Ibiza and previously in an inn Shut up, have decided to leave the country. They do so, let us remember, exceeding in seven months what is stipulated by the Spanish immigration laws, which stipulate that Mexican citizens who do not have a visa can only be in the territory of Spain. European Union for one maximum of 90 days.

In fact, in the police procedure to which SPANISH accessed during the month of July, it was stated that the Mexicans had been left in irregular situation a few months ago, after trying to change their immigration status by pretending to participate in a course “that was not mentioned”. Although they were then asked to leave the country within 15 days, the police and judicial investigation stopped their attempt. immediate expulsion.

Nacho Cano, at the entrance to his press conference in Madrid.


A judge tried to summon them

When the Madrid Court of Instruction number 19 learned from the police authorities that the 17 “trainees” were scheduled leave Spanish territorysummoned them to take their statements. The judge did so Antonio Serrano-Arnal, in replacement of the owner’s vacation, Immaculate Churches, investigate the cause.

This statement, intended for the past Thursday August 29, had to be cancelled, precisely because absence on Spanish territory of one of the main suspects, Roxana Drexel, who is currently in Mexico. The other defendants, including Nacho Cano, Catalan Susana Jupiter and Valencian Cristina Karmine, They are waiting for the new summons from Spain.

Judicial sources say that even if the fake scholarship holders do not report themselves, the process would not stop under any circumstances. “It police report already gathering a significant amount of evidence, including previous statements, analysis of WhatsApp conversations and documentation provided by the people concerned themselves,” they explain.

The magistrate could continue the process using this documentary and testimonial evidence collected by the police. In addition, if necessary, you could resort to the international cooperation to try to obtain their statements from Mexico. However, the abundance of information already collected in the crowded means that the case could progress to a subsequent procedural phase, even if the alleged victims are not present to testify at the trial.

Roxana Drexler, during the press conference after her arrest and that of Nacho Cano, last month in Madrid.


They were induced to lie

The evidence collected by Judge Iglesias Sánchez reveals irregularities, firstly, in the way the fake scholarship holders entered Spain. “Those who investigated they intended to deceive or induce an error in the Spanish authorities when transferring dancers within national borders,” indicates the automatic result of the previous procedures.

“I remind you that you will travel quality of tourists. “They should not mention when immigrating that they are going to study,” says one of the messages sent to young Mexicans by one of the people investigated. Information already published exclusively by SPANISH and which define that the intention of the management of Malinche was not to train young people to Spain legally, but they would try to change the immigration status Mexicans months after participating in the alleged practice program.

A program with Jana School of Arts which in reality never existed and which, as the researchers explained to this media, an attempt was made to create exprofessed to regularize Mexican immigrants. Reason why Government Delegation in Madrid applications rejected last month April after not being able to verify the veracity of the training because “it has not been proven that the studies which are the subject of the request lead to the obtaining of a diploma or a certificate of studies”.

Nacho Cano arriving at the press conference called after his arrest in July.

European press.

A few days after entering Spain pretending to be tourists, The supposed scholarship holders began to realize tests to sing and dance, always in accordance with the judicial investigations, in order to formally participate in the musical. The police report, the result of an investigation opened in January after a complaint from one of the dancers, includes images in which the young Mexicans are part of the cast in the same way as the formal workers.

In the previous procedure arising from the Square of Castile There is more: a message from the aforementioned youth leader and supervisor, Roxana Drexel: “Hello everyone. The management has just told me that until next Sunday, they want you all to go out on duty. Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Thank you all.” So there were times when the fake scholarship holders They were part of it every day of the Nacho Cano musical, despite having neither a contract nor a valid study or training visa.

The four people questioned are accused of having profited, through the company “Malinche The Musical Spain SL”of the professional activity of the selected Mexicans. To whom, after a brief period of learning songs and choreographies, he would work on the musical, performed at the fairgrounds of IFEMA in Madrid, receiving for this an economic amount (300 euros, initially; 500 euros, later) lower than the agreement. Some of them said they had to resort to family members and their personal savings to survive each month.

Now the 17 young people they come back has Mexico with the promise of being part of the cast of Malinche once the production lands in the North American country in 2025. However, they will have to wait for the court’s decision.




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