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Navarra Brand, the new commitment of the Regional Community to attract more investments

Navarra gave this Tuesday the official starting signal to its new strategy of repositioning in the world, reflected by a new brand image which claims the value of “collective effort and intelligence” for maintain the Community at high levels of quality of lifeas the President of Navarre, Maria Chivite.

Nearly 200 public and private agents participated in the event on Tuesday. presentation at the Baluarte de Pamplona of the new brand Navarrawhich raises the strategic redefinition of the regional community with the motto “A way of operating”.

THE proposal presented is the result of a reflection initiated at the end of 2023 for to make Navarre a “reference socio-economic ecosystem”able to attracting talent and investment based on a new “renewed, strong and solid image, which generates confidence and attractiveness both inside and out”.

THE The President stressed the “collective challenge” what it means to build this brand, which transcends the contribution of the regional government itself to encompass all the institutions, universities, local entities, companies, groups, associations and civil society in general, which participated in defining the priorities and which will now contribute to its necessary “co-responsible deployment”.

“The Navarra brand is not a government project. It is a territorial brand. A collective brand that we must grow. An exercise in collective intelligence that is also a common commitment. So I want to ask you for an extra effort: now that we have all been able to do this reflection exercise, we must align ourselves around the result. Let’s promote this Navarra brand together,” asked Chivite, who added that the strategy will work “to the extent that we focus on what unites us, on promoting the values ​​of our common know-how.”

The event was attended by the President of the Parliament of Navarre, Unai Hualde; the Government Delegate in Navarre, Alicia Echeverria; the three Vice-Presidents of the Regional Executive; the Director of the Public University of Navarre, Ramón Gonzalo; the Rector of the University of Navarre, María Iraburu; or the President of the Confederation of Businesses of Navarre, Manuel Piquer, among others.

Maria Chivite stressed that beyond the new visual image which has already begun to be disseminated in different graphic media, Marca Navarra aims to attract high-level prescribers, attract new investments and promote social projects that guarantee the quality of life of the future Navarre in a sustainable perspective that leaves no one behind.

Among the assets that Navarra will highlight in its new territorial strategy Its “cutting-edge” education system stands out, with three universities that allow more than 40% of the population to access higher education; and a “dynamic and advanced” biomedical systemwhich employs more than 30,000 people and offers the Regional Community one of the most advanced public and universal health systems in the world. Being the most industrialized community in Spainwith the positive implications that this has in the generation of high value-added, stable and well-paid jobs, an attractive ecosystem for more than 125 multinationals.

Emphasis will also be placed on the “roots” that support the quality of life in Navarre and its “proudly rural” aspect, which has made the landscape one of the fundamental sources of wealth of the Provincial Community. The selfless work carried out by Navarrese men and women for the community and their tradition of working in “auzolan” will also be claimed as a strength, with 45% of the population having carried out voluntary work to improve the lives of their neighbors. It will also be presented as an achievement of the state of well-being experienced in Navarre and having one of the highest life expectancies in the world, reaching 83 years.

He This Tuesday’s event represents the definitive launch of a new Navarra branddefined after a broad process of reflection which sought to determine the differentiating elements of the Regional Community and to establish a strategy to enhance its assets. The various interventions this Tuesday They served to expose the four proposed transversal lines of action, which aspire to reach and improve “all areas of the lives of Navarrese men and women” by expanding their potential as a land of opportunities and collaboration; its capacity to attract and generate talent, research and jobs; its role as a tourist destination, its wealth and diversity; and their quality of life.

THE presentation It opened with the interventions of the First Vice President and Advisor to the Presidency and Equality, Félix Taberna, the Secretary General of the Hermes Institute Foundation, Luisa Alli, and the Director General of Communication and Institutional Projection, Miguel Moreno, who presented the conclusions of the diagnostic process and the objectives set, highlighting the key role that the agents and interest groups involved will have in its execution. Below, the main representatives of each line of action of Marca Navarra have presented the priorities in each area.

Regarding the ‘Quality of Life’ axis, Patricia AbadDirector General of the Navarro Institute for Equality (INAI), and Luis Campos, Director General of Planning, Coordination, Innovation and Evaluation of Public Policies, stressed that all efforts are focused on positioning the Community as an innovative, sustainable and egalitarian European region, the triple combination that they consider necessary to guarantee social cohesion and an economic development that respects the environment and reaches all social classes.

The axis “Talent, business and innovation” was presented by Ramón Gonzalo, rector of the Public University of Navarra (UPNA), and María Iraburu, rector of the University of Navarra (ONU), who claimed the potential of the Navarrese educational ecosystem generate trends in innovation, education and innovative professional development.

The axis centered on the talent attraction and entrepreneurship The Navarrese business world also spoke, led by Manuel Piquer, president of the Navarrese Business Confederation (CEN), who stressed that Navarre is a potential and advantageous environment to create or establish a company and make it prosper.

In the exhibition on ‘Tourism, wealth and diversity’The Director General of Tourism, Ana Rivas, and the Director General of Foreign Action, Sergio Pérez, explained that the efforts of the regional executive are aligned with the attributes associated with the new Navarra brand, such as environmental, social and economic sustainability, health, sport, regenerative tourism and business competitiveness.

Regarding Foreign actionIt is planned to strengthen a network of “Navarra brand ambassadors“, involving Navarrese men and women abroad in the dissemination of the new strategy. In this regard, it should be noted that President Chivite will participate in the presentation of the brand in Brussels next October.

In November the Presentation of Marca Navarra in Madridwhile in the first quarter of 2025 it will be broadcast in Barcelona. In parallel, it will also be deployed internally, through a work schedule in the five Navarrese merindades (Pamplona, ​​Olite, Estella-Lizarra, Sanguesa and Tudela).


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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