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HomeLatest NewsNegueruela pressured the Balearic public radio and television to relocate his partner...

Negueruela pressured the Balearic public radio and television to relocate his partner and associated journalists

The socialist spokesman in the Balearic Parliament, Iago Negueruelanumber two in the government of the current president of Congress, Francine Armengolpressured the Balearic public radio and television (IB3) to relocate its partner and associated journalists who worked for the former executive of the left pact.

The call from the senior PSOE official in the Balearic Islands comes in the midst of the transfer of power between the outgoing socialist autonomous government, with its close journalist Andreu Manresa in charge of IB3, and the current executive of the popular Marga Prohens.

After the electoral debacle of the Socialists of the Islands in the regional elections of May 28, 2023, hundreds of senior officials and trusted figures of the Socialist Executive saw themselves suddenly without work and having to seek relocation, if possible within the deadlines of the administration or in regional public bodies, such as the Balearic radio and television.

Among them was Olivia Navarropress chief of the Ministry of Health, with the socialist Patricia Gomez in the lead, and Negueruela’s partner, Armengol’s right-hand man at the head of the Balearic government. Faced with this bleak panorama, the Galician politician took the reins and began to lead the relocation process.

He contacted Andreu Manresa so that in many cases it would facilitate the return to regional radio and television of these like-minded journalists, since some of them, like his partner Olivia Navarro, had already worked in the house and were quickly spotted.

Manresa gave the green light to Negueruela to contact and had a direct line to the human resources department of the regional public entity and thus make the relocation operation of its related journalists effective.

Furthermore, he wondered whether they could be integrated into the internationalization process that Armengol had launched three months before the regional elections, to convert 350 IB3 information workers from contract production companies into public employees, a process that is still ongoing and has not yet been completed.

Sources from the department of Human resources IB3 confirmed to OKDIARIO that Negueruela’s call has caused notable unease among workers because of the direct political interference that this implied on the part of the Armengol government, which had also already lost the elections and was not going to continue pulling the strings of the Balearic public radio and television.

For this move to IB3, Negueruela had the collaboration of the director at the time, Andreu Manresa, who remained in office until last November until the situation became untenable due to the paralysis of his management and the chain of resignations and presented his resignation. He was relieved by the journalist Albert Salas with the favorable votes of the PP, Vox and the independentists of Més, but not with the support of a fervent defender of Manresa of the PSOE.

Negueruela’s call to the IB3 and the unease caused within the human resources department will have a political impact in the coming weeks. The spokesperson for the Vox parliamentary group, Manuela CanadasHa registered a question for debate at the Control Commission on the Radio and Television of the Balearic Islands addressed to the current director, Albert Salas.

In this document, Cañadas asks the new director for the working conditions of the Negueruela couple and if you know that they tried to influence their improvement by calling the human resources department of the regional public institution. The answer to this question is easy since, today, everyone present in this department remembers what happened during the transfer of powers between the government of Armengol and the current government of Prohens.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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