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Neuropsychologist Álvaro Bilbao’s 10 tips to keep children from being “hooked” on their cell phones all day

The use of mobile devices In children has exploded in recent years. According to data from National Institute of Statistics (INE) Between the ages of 10 and 15, more than 70% of children already own a mobile phone by the age of 12, while this percentage rises to 88% by the age of 13 and 94.8% by the age of 15. Teenagers spend a large part of the day in front of the mobile screen. And what can these desperate parents do when they see their children wasting their day because they are always on their mobile phone?

THE back to school This is happening this week in all the autonomous communities and it will force the boys and girls who have spent much of the summer in front of their smartphones and browsing social networks, to have to concentrate again on classes and their studies. However, surely Many people take advantage of the afternoon or weekend to use their mobile phones. when it would be better if they didn’t, or in fact, if they had a more limited schedule. And how can this be achieved? Recently American actress Drew Barrymore announced on social media THE radical decision that he had taken concerning his 12 year old daughter because he spent too much time looking at his cell phone. The actress explained that I had decided to remove it completely.something that has sparked some debate among its supporters and raises the question of whether it is really effective.

How to Stop Kids from Spending All Day on Their Cell Phones

Barrymorewho many of us remember as the girl who appeared in the movie “ET: The Extra-Terrestrial” She is the mother of Olive, 12 years old. and Frankie, 10, the result of her marriage to her ex-husband Will Kopelman. In a long Instagram post, the actress recently surprised her followers by explaining that for her daughter’s eleventh birthday, she had decided to give her a cell phone on the condition that she could only use it on weekends and without social media. “But,” the actress explains, “for three months, I collected messages and behavioral data. I was surprised by the results. His life depended on the phone. Happiness was built into it. The source of life came from this mini digital box. The atmospheres depended on the device.

That’s why Barrymore decided to print out all of her daughter’s messages and give them to herbefore taking the phone from her, explaining that “she was a good person and this was not a punishment for her character”, but only because it was not yet time for her to have a smartphone.

This actress’s decision may be quite radical. However, many parents are tempted to do the same with their children, that is, Take away their cell phones forever. But is it a good decision?.

Taking away your cell phone right away is not the solution

According to the neuropsychologist Álvaro Bilbaoget straight to the point” regarding children’s cell phones may be something that is effective at the time it happens. However, he explains that it can create a ““a kind of withdrawal syndrome that is difficult to manage” both for the child and for the rest of the family.

It is therefore important above all that Let’s be honest with the boy or girl and ask what the situation is.. This way you will be able to argue your point of view and understand that you may not have realized that your life revolves solely and exclusively around your cell phone.

Expert advice

And what to do from here? Bilbao explains in an article on its website: these ten rules that can be applied and are effective:

  • Report clearly: It is important to explain to the child that there will be a change in the use of the mobile phone, but without using drastic expressions. It is enough to communicate that the time will be reduced or that you will no longer be able to use your mobile phone at certain times.
  • Choose the right time: Start the process on days when it is easier for the children not to spend hours and hours inside the house. Times when we can go out or how now, when I have to go to school or the institute.
  • Change the environment: Changing the environment helps the child distract himself from the cell phone. Spending more time away from home or doing activities in a different environment than usual facilitates the disconnection process.
  • Remove the stimulus: It is essential to keep devices out of the child’s reach and sight. If they are not visible, you will be less likely to feel the need to use them.
  • Lead by example: Children imitate what they see, so if parents also reduce their cell phone usage and spend time playing with them, it will be easier for them to accept the change.
  • Suggest alternatives– Offers activities that keep the child busy and that are incompatible with the use of devices, such as playing, drawing or exercising.
  • Promoting autonomy: encourages the child to find forms of entertainment for themselves. Offer options and ask them which activities they prefer, encouraging their creativity and autonomy.
  • positive reinforcement: Recognizing and rewarding cell-free time with attention and affection reinforces the idea that device-free time is positive and fun.
  • Avoid punishment: It is normal for your child to feel frustrated when reducing their cell phone use, but they should not be punished or yelled at. Managing tantrums calmly and patiently will help ensure a smoother transition.
  • Be firm but affectionate: Maintain clear rules and firm boundaries, but with lots of love and patience. This combination will allow the child to better adapt to change, knowing that he has the support of his parents.

As you can see, the key to reducing cell phone use in children is balance. Apply clear rules, be firm and show understanding will allow a more controlled and responsible use of the device.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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