Saturday, September 21, 2024 - 4:11 pm
HomeBreaking NewsNew criminal acts by the arrested agent have come to light

New criminal acts by the arrested agent have come to light

Another criminal case has been launched against the jailed former chief architect of Lankaran.

The “Report” informs that new criminal acts of Elgun Abdullayev, who was sentenced to 8 years in prison by a court ruling, have come to light.

Thus, it became known that Elgun Abdullayev allocated land to citizens in violation of the norms established by law and gave illegal permission for construction on these territories.

For this reason, he was charged with violating Article 314-2.1 of the Criminal Code (Detailed rules on zoning of territories, type and scale of construction and basic conditions for construction in adjacent areas in residential areas, by the officer, allocating land for construction, allowing construction or installation works to be carried out), or failure to submit comments on buildings to which the information procedure applies).

The investigation into the criminal case against him has been concluded and sent to the Lankaran Municipal Court for consideration.

The criminal case was handed over to Judge Muradaga Gasimov.

It should be noted that Elgun Abdullayev was detained in 2022 during an operation conducted by the Anti-Corruption Department of the Lankaran City Executive Authority, which is under the General Prosecutor’s Office. It became known that he received a large amount of bribes from citizens. Elgun Abdullayev was sentenced to 8 years in prison by the decision of the Lankaran Serious Crimes Court.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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