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New DANA in Spain that will leave more rains and storms: the most affected areas

Spain prepares to face a new DANA This will leave rains and storms in these parts of the country. The time will come to put on the table a series of details that will make a difference. Without a doubt, we must be aware of the changes that will end up marking a before and after. A situation of instability that can end up marking the weekend of sofa and blanket for these days that we have ahead of us and that can affect us fully.

AEMET experts are expecting changes that will make a significant difference in situations that can even be dangerous. Without a doubt, we have before us a new reality that could end up making a difference in every way. A situation that could end up being the one that makes us react in time to a series of elements that go hand in hand and that can be very important. The rains are accompanied by hail or a significant drop in temperatures, in both cases we must be aware of weather that makes our hair stand on end.

The areas most affected by these rains and storms

Rains and storms will appear in the days that lie ahead of us and which could end up being those that will make a significant difference in all respects. The time will have come to start thinking about a change of cycle that can be put forward.

Instability will become the great enemy of those who have external projects or who expect to encounter a series of elements that go hand in hand and that could end up being those that mark a before and after. After having experienced a summer of heatwave in which we had to face a situation that could end up being the one that will make an important difference in all respects.

We leave behind this instability that can end up being what marks a before and after and we head towards autumn earlier than expected. Without thinking about everything that awaits us and what awaits us in these days when it seems that bad weather will become a trend. AEMET launches several alerts for these days of September.

A DANA arrives that threatens the weekend

This weekend, rains will be the main protagonists of the days in which we must begin to prepare. It is time to become aware of some changes that must be taken into account and that you may not have taken into account until now. Autumn is much closer than you imagined, so you better keep an eye on the weather forecast for this weekend.

AEMET tells us that: “Low pressure located northwest of the peninsula will leave a predominance of cloudy or overcast skies in the northern third of the peninsula, with precipitation affecting Galicia and the western area of ​​Cantabria, as well as, accompanied by occasional storms, in the north of Aragon and Catalonia. They are also likely in the rest of this community and in the Cantabrian area, and are no less excluded in the rest of the northern third. More intense conditions are expected at the beginning and could become locally strong in the western half of the Pyrenees and in the northeast of Catalonia. Throughout the day they will decrease and become increasingly lighter. In Alborán, the southeastern third of the peninsula and the Balearic archipelago, we will have increasing medium and high cloudiness, without excluding dry storms and occasional showers that will leave, if any, small amounts of precipitation, somewhat more likely in the mountains of the southeast. They could be accompanied by mud due to the entry of mist. Similarly, low morning cloudiness is expected on the eastern peninsula and the Balearic Islands. In the Canaries, low cloud intervals in the north and slightly cloudy skies in the rest. Morning fog banks likely in mountainous areas in the northern and eastern thirds of the peninsula, as well as in the Balearic Islands.

Continuing with the same weather forecast: “Maximum temperatures will generally increase, with little change or some decreases in the Guadalquivir and in the central northeast of the peninsula. Minimums will increase in Alborán, the Balearic Islands and the extreme northwest and northeast of the peninsula, decreasing in the rest. The trade wind will blow in the Canary Islands, but with less intensity than in previous days. In the eastern and northeast Mediterranean area, the south and southeast wind will predominate, and in the rest, the westerly component will predominate. They will be weak in general in the interiors and more intense on the coasts, mountains and areas of the northern plateau, with possible very strong gusts in the Pyrenees and the mountains of the southeast.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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