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HomeLatest NewsNextSpain arrives in A Coruña with innovation and talent as the axes...

NextSpain arrives in A Coruña with innovation and talent as the axes of “The Spain we want”

Under the principle of local innovation and talent empowerment, the city of La Coruña will host the next day of NextSpaina series of meetings that take place between cities across the country under the theme The Spain we wantpromoted by Vocento and ABC in collaboration with Telefónica, the Xunta de Galicia, Iberdrola, the City Council and the Provincial Council of La Coruña and the University of the Herculean city.

An optimistic and inspiring vision of the future of the country in which topics such as technological progress, the role of Spain as a European film set, the situation of an emptied Spain or research in our country have already been addressed. The event, free and open accesscan be followed electronically via streaming or in person at the Auditorium of the University of La Coruña.

After Badajoz, Murcia, Seville and Burgos this year, La Coruña will be the next venue for these meetings, a city that stands out as melting pot of entrepreneurship, engineering and youth creativitypromoting the empowerment of young talents and local innovation. It will therefore be in the Herculean city, where the role of university institutions, innovation and, above all, the talent as the backbone for the construction of a promising future in a city characterized by space reserved for progress and new trends in multiple disciplines.

Agenda of presentations and debates

The day will begin this Thursday at 10:00 a.m., after a half-hour welcome for participants, with a institutional inaugurationthe position of the president of the Provincial Council of La Coruña, Valentín González Formoso, and the mayor of the city, Inés Rey. A welcome that will give way to the first presentation, entitled ‘The university, a forger of talent‘, which will be conducted by the rector of the University of La Coruña (UDC), Ricardo Cao, whose departure is scheduled for 10:20 a.m.

The format is composed of presentations and interwoven round tables, so after the intervention of the rector of the UDC, the first debate table entitled ‘Emerging technology and its impact in La Coruña‘, which will begin at 10:35. Nieves Brisaboa, professor and member of the CITIC (ICT Research Center) steering committee, will participate; Antonio Rodríguez del Corral, president of the Galicia Technology Cluster; Carmen Cotelo Queijo, director of the Galician Innovation Agency; and Francisco Silva, Iberdrola delegate in Galicia. For his part, the moderator of the round table will be Alberto Velázquez.

In this way, the debate will take place with the presentation’Young talents as a creative driving force of the arts‘, which will be performed by composer, conductor and director of the Resis Festival, Hugo Gómez-Chao, at 11:25 a.m. The theme will change during the next round table: ‘The thousand faces of talent: architecture, gastronomy, audiovisual’which will begin at 11:30 a.m. and will feature the doctor and executive producer of Zenit Audiovisual, Zaza Ceballos; the chef of the Michelin-starred restaurant Terra, Brais Pichel; the architect and designer of passive houses, Marta Trigrás; and the Minister of Education, Science and University, Román Rodríguez. As in the previous debate table, Alberto Velázquez moderates.

The director of Telefónica in Galicia, Paula Bearán, will make the presentation ‘Telefónica and local innovation in Galicia‘ at 12:30, which will give way to the institutional closing ceremony led by the president of the Xunta, Alfonso Rueda. Finally, participants in the event will be able to enjoy a Aperitif and Spanish wine at 1:00 p.m., which will conclude the day in the Herculean city.

The upcoming NextSpain calls this year will take the debate on the Spain of the future to a higher level. La Rioja on October 10, with wine and tourism as the main themes, and the cycle will end in Valence on October 24, with smart cities as a backdrop, technology applied to cities.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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