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HomeEntertainment NewsNGOs take legal action against the authorisation of this herbicide until 2033

NGOs take legal action against the authorisation of this herbicide until 2033

French associations took over the 1Ahem August The European courts are opposing the European Commission’s decision to renew the authorisation of glyphosate in the European Union (EU) until 2033, Agence France-Presse (AFP) learned from its lawyer and a judicial source.

The associations Agir pour l’environnement, Criigen (Independent Committee for Research and Information on Genetic Engineering) and the collective of anti-pesticide mayors are demanding the cancellation of the ten-year renewal of the authorisation for this controversial herbicide, granted on 28 November 2023. Brussels, Corinne Lepage, founder of Criigen, told AFP on Friday.

This decision was taken by the European Commission due to a lack of majority in a vote of the Member States and following a report by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) which estimated that the level of risk did not justify the “ban”.

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First appeals rejected

These three French NGOs and, in parallel, a group led by the Pesticide Action Network (PAN) Europe, including Générations Futures, had quickly submitted requests for review to the Commission, before an announced referral to the courts. PAN Europe noted that “The approval process ignored studies showing a high risk of cancer, an alarming mortality rate among insects and major impacts on the brain from the use of glyphosate”As expected, the two arrests were rejected at the beginning of the summer, AFP learned from Lepage and François Veillerette, spokesperson for Générations Futures.

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Glyphosate, the active ingredient in several very common herbicides, was classified in 2015 “probable carcinogen” by a research centre of the World Health Organization (WHO): conclusion confirmed in 2021 by the National Institute of Medical and Health Research (Inserm).

“There is a lack of application of the precautionary principle”M. complaintme Lepage, while France withdrew Roundup Pro 360, a herbicide containing glyphosate produced by Monsanto, from the market in 2019. “If it is banned in a European country, how do you want to put together a scientific argument that says there is no problem?”is outraged.

The Commission’s response is expected in mid-October ahead of a hearing scheduled for 2025, Lepage: According to Veillerette, PAN Europe has not yet lodged any appeal on the grounds of procedural delays, but the various proceedings should probably be merged.

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Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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